Wednesday, February 21, 2007

"The Secret" is a secret no longer.

The movie "The Secret" was one of the catalysts for my becoming a life coach. The secret is all about how the "Law of Attraction" can work for each and every one of us - no matter who we are or where we come from. Now I just watched the recording on the internet ( My husband and I chose not to have T.V. in Mexico) of a show Oprah has done on it.

Let's face it, if Oprah does a show on something it is not much of a secret anymore! Nothing could thrill me more. I was watching members of the audience talk about how it changed their lives. I was listening to Michael Beckwith, Jack Canfield, Lisa Nichols, James Arthur Ray and Oprah talk on it and I am cheering and crying with joy for the difference the secret has made in peoples lives. Now that is reality T.V!

If you have not seen it yet - go to because good things need to be shared. That is how I live my life.

Live the secret - Live that dream!

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

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