Monday, April 30, 2007

Are your brakes on your life?

When we try to drive our car with the brakes on - what happens? We don't get anywhere do we? Why would we want to live our life with our brakes on?

Because it feels safer to us? Because we don't want to get where we really want to go too quickly?

It may feel safer to live with the brakes on until we realize we have a pretty good chance of getting rear ended because we are not moving. Also, eventually we are bound to feel sad to see others moving while we are not.......... where is that brake release?

Our cars are meant to be driven and our lives are meant to be lived. We can't do either with the brakes on.

We may each need to look at how and why we are holding ourselves back so that we can find that break release for each of our lives.

Don't live life with the brakes on! Try a little gas to help fuel your dreams and then at your own speed, enjoy the ride to the fullest. Look no brakes - we're moving! Now we are living!

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Friday, April 27, 2007

A thought from Marc Allen

Keep focusing on the fullness of your life:
Keep remembering your dreams, your strengths,
your unique talents and skills.
Be absolutely, uniquely, fully yourself
and you have everything you need
to create the life of your dreams.

By: Marc Allen, from his book "The Millionaire Course."

Yes, I read a lot. Isn't it funny how I keep finding the things that reinforce my beliefs? It really is very empowering! No wonder life just gets better and better.

So where is your focus? Hmm?

May your weekend be exceptionally wonderful!

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Dreams are the reality of tomorrow

"It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow."

~ Robert H. Goddard

Our dreams can become realities, we see it all the time. Here are a few random examples: the Wright brothers, Edison, Disneyland and Disney World, Oprah, space travel .........

Maybe even the house we live in, our friend who found the perfect boyfriend/girlfriend, the holiday we finally get to go on .....

My point is that pretty well everything we currently have started as our dream. Little and big we can create them all!

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Enjoy a great life!

I confess! I have a great life. I am all the way out of the closet now! I admit that I enjoy pretty well every day, every hour and every minute of my life. Some people have wondered out loud to me how that is possible. How can that be real? Nobody can be as happy as I am all the time!

I had to stop and think about that for awhile. Is it possible my life is not real or that I am not being real? A great life has become something I almost take for granted - yet I do encounter people who seem to feel that they do not have such great lives or wonder why they get so many ups and downs in their lives. Why should I feel so much happiness all the time?

After serious thought, I have come to the conclusion that my life is real and that I am indeed being real, true and authentic to myself when I proclaim my happiness. I feel that it should be normal to be happy - it should be normal for life to be easy and fun. That is my chosen belief and I am sticking to it. It's worked so far in my life.

So what am I doing to have such a great life? I'll share as many things as I can think of but depending what you are used to thinking some of this may seem odd. Also, I must include a warning that should you decide to follow a path to feeling almost constant happiness, peace, joy and love: people may accuse you of not being normal. Read and adopt this at your own risk.

- I don't listen to the news or read newspapers. I only glance at the MSN front page on my computer for quick world updates.

- I look for the positive in everything that happens.

- I choose carefully the reality I want. In fact I hand pick it.

- I choose not to be around negative people.

- I think only of the best, and expect only the best, and only the best seems to happen to me.

- I listen to upbeat music and watch upbeat things.

- I list the people and things I am grateful for having in my life every morning.

- I rarely remember anything bad that has happened because I am too busy focusing on the good.

- I try not to talk about negative things and I rarely talk about it when I am feeling less than happy because I know it will pass and by not talking about it or focusing on it - it will pass faster.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I guess it boils down to a lifestyle choice. I choose to find and live with a great deal of happiness, love and joy in my life and because that is what I look for, I get tons of it. I live with great gratitude for the abundance of it in my life. It turns out that all of this is a part of what they call the Law of Attraction.

So what is real and what is not real? The beauty of this life is that we all get to choose what is real to us. Try focusing on only the good stuff. You might find you like it! I assure you that it is indeed very real.

Go ahead and live your dreams! They will become as real as you want them to be.

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Another client graduated yestersday!

I feel wonderful! I had another client graduate yesterday.

We spent only 2 marvelous months on the phone together. I feel very privileged to have been her coach - I loved her discoveries - I loved how she learned so fast. We ended up becoming more than client and coach - we have become friends. What a beautiful relationship to have found. We have never even met, as she lives in Texas and I live in Playa del Carmen but we are friends.

I could not be happier or prouder of her. She has found her own inner guidance that she has tapped into to go for advice now. You see as her life coach, I didn't supply the answers - I helped provide the insight so she could find her own answers. Now she has access to them all the time.

She knows I am only a phone call away in case she needs a reminder of her own power, but right now she is off to live her dreams - with everything she needs to do so!

What can I say? - soar - enjoy the adventure - listen to your inner guide - and remember it can always be easy! Love you!

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Monday, April 23, 2007

Just ask the kids ....

Adults are always asking little kids what they want to be when they grow up - 'cause they're looking for ideas.

Paula Poundstone

I have never thought of it that way before - but kids do have an interesting perspective on careers. After asking them what they want to be, just ask them- why? The answers can be very interesting.

Are you looking for ideas on what to be when you grow up? Remember that whatever you do, whatever you choose to be, you want it to be fun and you want to really enjoy doing it!

Wouldn't that make for a wonderful life?

Go ahead! I know I have said this 1,000 times: Live Your Dreams! You deserve to have fun in your life. When else are you going to?

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Friday, April 20, 2007

Endless possibilities

The world is full of endless possibilities for you to choose to experience.

Give some thought today to what you would like to experience - then attract it into your life with your desire.

Live those dreams - because you can!

With great love, Suzanne
P.S. For more information see

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Gratitude is an important key

Are there things you would like to see happen in your life? Maybe you want more of something and less of something else.

A very easy thing to do to help create what you want - is to place your focus on what you want as much as possible. Hmm, that's part of the Law of Attraction again isn't it?

A good place to start is with this question: Do you like it when good things happen to you?

Things like: you get the perfect parking space, someone gives you something, a clerk is nice to you, your child remembers to say thank you, you find what you were looking for and it is on sale, your vehicle gets you from point A to B safely ......... the list goes on and on ............. and in fact I'm going to suggest that you make your own list of all the things that happen each day that you are grateful for.

Do you think more things that feel good to you will happen? It is inevitable because it is your focus. Try it. When we live our life being grateful for all the little things that happen or come our way in a day - we always have a richer life in many, many ways. I can say this; you will definitely be getting more of whatever you want and less of whatever you don't want in your life.

Now, think about how that can help facilitate you living your dream. You'll not only get to your dream a little easier - you will be happy along the way!

Gratitude is a marvelous key.

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Why not plant a seed?

"Within every desire is the seed and mechanics for its fulfillment."
~ Deepak Chopra, Creating Affluence

There you go - in simple terms - if you desire it - you can have it. Deepak Chopra says so. I could have said something similar but it sounds so much better if he says it right?

I feel it is very important that we accumulate proof that we can have our dreams - our desires. This statement can help to build our belief. Once our belief gets strong enough, there will be no stopping us!

Go ahead and plant your seed and the "how" will obviously come. Keep watching for it!

Enjoy living your dream!

With great love, Suzanne
P.S. For more information see

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

To live it or not to live it ....

To live your dream or not to live your dream - that is the question.

What exactly is your dream? I ask because some are definitely easier to decide on.

Is your dream one that keeps calling to you ever so subtly as you go about your day? Are you getting gentle reminders of something you want to do or achieve? Or is this dream almost developing a life of its own with its own insistence that you listen?

What to do? What to do?

One part of us probably wants to be rational and study the pros and cons. Part of us may appear to be totally irrational and just want to jump in with both feet. Most of us are predominately one way or the other - a little of each is probably best.

First, don't be too quick to dismiss your feelings and your desires - they are guiding you in a certain direction for a reason - you may not even be aware of the reason, but the rewards for following your feelings can be huge. There is a reason this dream has developed within you.

Second, remember that there is never a rush, just as there is never a one time opportunity. Whatever is supposed to happen will happen when you are ready to let it.

Why not try playing with the idea that you are going to do does it feel? What can you see happening in your life as a result of following this dream? Do you like what you see?

Are Gremlins getting in the way telling you all the ways this will never work and you'll die in poverty or something equally horrific to you? OK, now let the rational side of you in ........weigh the pros and cons - maybe you'll find it could maybe work. How does it feel now?

Try baby steps - play what if games - make inquires on what it would take to pursue this dream. You may find doors open that you never knew about. Wouldn't that be amazing?

So choose it or not? Life will go on regardless. The question now is; which life would you be happiest with?

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Friday, April 13, 2007

Do we fear being too much?

If you have not figured it out yet, I read a lot. Today's gem of a thought comes from a book called: Succulent Wild Woman ~ Dancing with your wonderful self! By: Sark

How can you not want to read a book with a title like that?

So Sark says: All my life, I've heard that I'm "too much." Too wild, too loud, too outrageous, too emotional, too sensitive, too needy, too much. My boyfriend and I have both been called "Larger than life." When I met him I asked if he felt "Larger than life."

He put his hands on my shoulders and looked into my eyes: "Susan, this is the size life is. Anyone who tries to make you smaller is just a Lilliputian." I knew then I had found the right man for me. If we don't fully use who we are then who are we?

I agree with Sark - let's risk being called "too much" - let's use who we fully are and let's show people how we can live our dreams and have it all!

Then listen to people saying: Wow! You're too much!

Sounds good now! I can even hear you thanking them.

Wild and succulent lives are there for us all as we choose to live our dreams.

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Thursday, April 12, 2007

What's your focus?

Every day we wake up and we get to choose how we look at everything that happens in our day. That focus has a huge impact on how we enjoy the day. I don't know about you, but I really like to enjoy my days so I always focus on the good stuff. Amazingly I seem to get a lot of good stuff happening in my day.

I think somebody said that was Law of Attraction?

Let's look for the good stuff in our days and we are all well on the way to living all our dreams!

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Think like a kid

This morning I picked up my little coffee table book called: Really important stuff my kids have taught me - written by: Cynthia Copeland Lewis and it had several important messages in it for us all to start our day with ................

Three hops gets you just as far as one leap.
Make up the rules as you go along.
If you wait until you are really sure, you will never take off the training wheels.
and You only go down the slide headfirst one time.

Yep, let's all think like kids and just make our dreams happen! Let's just live like kids do with no pre-thinking and no fears! You have got to admit there may be something there!

Happy Living!

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Monday, April 9, 2007

There are no impossible dreams ....

"There are no impossible dreams, just our limited perception of what is possible."

~ Beth Mende Conny

Is that true? Does this really say we are limited in our dreams and in our lives by our own perceptions of what is possible? That we are limited by ourselves and what we choose to believe? Oh my.

What would life be like if we all believed that there are no impossible dreams? That would mean we could all do, be and have whatever we choose? That sounds too easy - I don't think we really like easy. That must be why we make up our limiting beliefs - so that we can have a challenge. Yes, that must be it.

I guess then we all get to make a choice. Do we want our life to be hard and full of challenges or do we want it to be easy and flow ever so easily. Our past and what we thought in the past doesn't have to matter - that is old reality. We can each choose now to change our beliefs and in the process change our lives . . . . . . or maybe not change and keep everything the same. It is our choice after all.

I chose to believe in all our dreams because I believe all dreams are possible. It also feels really good to stand in that belief. Where do you want to stand?

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Thursday, April 5, 2007

What does a "Live Your Dreams" Life Coach do?

That is a great question. I am so glad you asked. I will now roll out of my hammock (where I was just thinking of all the things I am so grateful for - like the ability to spend time in my hammock) and answer it to the best of my abilities from my heart.

A "Live Your Dreams" Life Coach can empower you to live whatever dreams you choose. How? There are tips, thoughts, ideas, tools and techniques that can be offered and you can choose the ones that feel the best to you to help you achieve the perfect life you desire. Are you desiring a romantic relationship, better relationships with family, financial freedom, a fulfilling career, better health, balance in your life? I know the list goes on ........ that is why there are Life Coaches.

A "Live Your Dreams" Life Coach should be able to uplift, motivate and inspire you to live life to the fullest - to live any dreams you choose - to show you the easy way - to show you how to relax into life's abundance .....

I personally come from a place of great joy and love for the abundance in life - I believe that if we choose it, we can all experience great joy and love in all aspects of our life. I live it, I know people who live it and I have clients who live it everyday.

Here is a note I just got from a client who is currently playing in Vegas: Love you! I'm having the most incredible life I never dreamed I could have! Barry, British Columbia.

This man is totally changing his life around and he is the one changing it. My part? Oh it was tiny - I just helped twig his thinking and his focus a little and then what seemed like miraculous things to him started happening - but they aren't really miraculous - they were there waiting all the time - he just didn't know how to find them. Now he does.

Go ahead - live that dream - enjoy your life to the fullest - whatever that means to you - because life is too precious to waste thinking you cannot have your dreams! I know you can.

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

An Abraham - Hicks note

I subscribe to daily thoughts from Abraham-Hicks. I had to share this mornings thought with you as it further reinforces what I said in Mondays post ..................

"You think that the goal is to be over there, and we say the goal is the journey over there; the goal is the fun you have along the way on your way to over there."

You too can subscribe to these daily inspirational thoughts at

Using the Law of Attraction is a way of life for them.

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A reminder: One of the things I offer is a 3 month introductory "Live Your Dreams" play shop where you can learn to live all your dreams in an easy and relaxed way using the Law of Attraction in your life. Ask me for details on how you can get 3 months of coaching for free!

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Live that dream!

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Are you moving towards your dreams?

"Wrong turns are as important as right turns. More important sometimes."
~ Richard Bach

I think the important thing is that you are moving!

Move towards your dreams and it will not be important if you take a wrong turn because you will self correct. You will know it - you may even say oops - but now you know where you don't want to go and suddenly where you do want to go will become more clear.

You will be moving in the direction of your dream. What could feel better than that?

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Monday, April 2, 2007

Live the moments

My husband and I went sailing on a catamaran yesterday and it was a very beautiful and absolutely wonderful day. I was slightly wet and gazing out the ocean enjoying its multiple shades of blue when I was struck once again with the importance of enjoying all of life's special moments.

Sometimes we might get carried away with a big picture of what we want and feel nothing is important until we get there - then we will be happy - then we will live - then we will relax and enjoy life. The key may be to enjoy all the moments as we go along and in the process the goal we want to reach may even become easier to attain!

Remember to live all your moments as you pursue your dreams. It makes life better.

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

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