Thursday, April 5, 2007

What does a "Live Your Dreams" Life Coach do?

That is a great question. I am so glad you asked. I will now roll out of my hammock (where I was just thinking of all the things I am so grateful for - like the ability to spend time in my hammock) and answer it to the best of my abilities from my heart.

A "Live Your Dreams" Life Coach can empower you to live whatever dreams you choose. How? There are tips, thoughts, ideas, tools and techniques that can be offered and you can choose the ones that feel the best to you to help you achieve the perfect life you desire. Are you desiring a romantic relationship, better relationships with family, financial freedom, a fulfilling career, better health, balance in your life? I know the list goes on ........ that is why there are Life Coaches.

A "Live Your Dreams" Life Coach should be able to uplift, motivate and inspire you to live life to the fullest - to live any dreams you choose - to show you the easy way - to show you how to relax into life's abundance .....

I personally come from a place of great joy and love for the abundance in life - I believe that if we choose it, we can all experience great joy and love in all aspects of our life. I live it, I know people who live it and I have clients who live it everyday.

Here is a note I just got from a client who is currently playing in Vegas: Love you! I'm having the most incredible life I never dreamed I could have! Barry, British Columbia.

This man is totally changing his life around and he is the one changing it. My part? Oh it was tiny - I just helped twig his thinking and his focus a little and then what seemed like miraculous things to him started happening - but they aren't really miraculous - they were there waiting all the time - he just didn't know how to find them. Now he does.

Go ahead - live that dream - enjoy your life to the fullest - whatever that means to you - because life is too precious to waste thinking you cannot have your dreams! I know you can.

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

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