Monday, April 30, 2007

Are your brakes on your life?

When we try to drive our car with the brakes on - what happens? We don't get anywhere do we? Why would we want to live our life with our brakes on?

Because it feels safer to us? Because we don't want to get where we really want to go too quickly?

It may feel safer to live with the brakes on until we realize we have a pretty good chance of getting rear ended because we are not moving. Also, eventually we are bound to feel sad to see others moving while we are not.......... where is that brake release?

Our cars are meant to be driven and our lives are meant to be lived. We can't do either with the brakes on.

We may each need to look at how and why we are holding ourselves back so that we can find that break release for each of our lives.

Don't live life with the brakes on! Try a little gas to help fuel your dreams and then at your own speed, enjoy the ride to the fullest. Look no brakes - we're moving! Now we are living!

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

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