Monday, December 31, 2007

Always have a Dream

Take the time to dream about your perfect future because we must allow the dream to take shape in our minds before we can create it in our reality.

“We create our tomorrows by what we dream today.”

A key to living the life of our dreams is to look for and then allow ourselves to enjoy the pleasures in living today, as we also enjoy dreaming about and creating our magnificent tomorrows.

It makes every day a wonderful day to live.

So what is your dream?
Happy Dreaming and Happy New Year!

PS. Thank you to my dear friend Cherilyn for giving me the beautiful plaque that reads: “We create our tomorrows by what we dream today.” I think she knew the right gift for me! Words can be so inspiring, don't you think?

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to live your dreams in 2008? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. There is even a new eCourse available on my site! Live the dream!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Lighten up

Maybe this coming year we make the decision to take ourselves less seriously.

Let’s take time to laugh more …. to play and enjoy life more …. to love more and allow ourselves to be loved.

The heaviness and pressures of the world need not be ours. When we focus on ease and lightness, we attract more of that. So really by attracting that into our lives we are increasing the lightness in the world.

When we lighten up – we can also more easily live our dreams.

Funny hats are optional – but I think mine will have a giant pink feather.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to live your dreams in 2008? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. There is even a new eCourse available on my site! Live the dream!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

What about a New Year?

A new year is coming. Soon it will be 2008.
What do you want 2008 to look like for you?

I’m not actually talking about needing to set goals here. Often goal setting just creates anxiety – who wants that pressure? I am talking about creating your ideal scene for the New Year. Be easy and relaxed with it. What would you like to have happen in 2008? More important how would you like to feel?

Write it out – visualize it – make a dream board of it – make a tape recording of how you will feel living it - think about the joy you will feel achieving that lifestyle every day. Follow the inspirations you receive and soon you will indeed be living it. It can really be that easy.

As a life coach, I write and talk about this a lot. In fact - I live it. My vision is to live my life as an example. I live my ideal life every day. It really works.

One of my visions for the New Year is to help even more people find that life can be lived in a very gentle and flowing way. Some have already found that, some do not choose that – however, I am confident that for the ones that do, we will find each other. I am confident that the perfect ways and opportunities to accomplish this will present themselves.

What do you want for yourself in 2008? Maybe our visions overlap? I am as close as an email away anytime.

It’s funny you know, because we can actually do this anytime we choose to… but we have a new year starting so let’s use that! I’m really looking forward to 2008. How about you?

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to live your dreams in 2008? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. There is even a new eCourse available on my site! Live the dream!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Live this moment

This moment is now. Experience it, feel it, enjoy it.
What feels good right now?

If we don’t enjoy this moment now, when are we going to? We can’t live in the future - and we can’t live in the past – the only moment we have is now.

When we focus on this moment and not on what else we have to do, we receive more pleasure from this moment. Also, according to the Law of Attraction that means we are creating more pleasant moments for our future because we are enjoying this one. Can it get any easier?

May you love experiencing this moment, and may you live all your dreams one beautiful moment at a time.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to live your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Monday, December 24, 2007


Peace on Earth - starts with peace within us. If our peace is clear enough, our picture is clear enough, and our belief is strong enough, we can make a difference in our lives and a difference in the world. People around us will feel it. Our energy will go out into the world and will touch many.

Peace on earth – starts with us. With our one little thought, one little action, and one little belief at a time, we can make all the difference in the world.

When we believe we can make a difference - we do! Whatever we focus on, we will see more of. What is your focus for yourself and the world?

May you experience an abundance of peace and love always in your life.

Merry Christmas! With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to live your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Give freely

What do you personally have to give to your family, your friends, your neighbors, your coworkers, and the world?

If you are not sure – my hint would be that it is whatever you love to do or share.

Give freely of whatever it is …. Maybe it is encouraging words, a helping hand or even a smile.

When we give freely of whatever we have to offer, many good things end up coming back to us in return. Many a dream is lived like this. Yes, it really can be that simple.

Start the ball rolling – live your dreams through giving freely. It makes for an amazing life.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to live your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Friday, December 21, 2007

When do we say enough?

The age of technology – does it enhance our quality of life?

What do most of us try to do these days? We try to do more in less time. We fill up our days. We try to multi task everywhere. We carry cellular phones, pagers, and blackberries. When is it enough?

It is enough whenever each of us says it is. We can turn off the phones, computers and pagers for any amount of time, any time we choose. We can give our undivided attention to enjoying one thing at a time, whenever we choose.

All of this technology can enhance or lives. The only thing we need to remember is that we control it – not the other way around.

Try giving yourself just 15 minutes a day to sit undisturbed by anything and allow yourself to be alone with your thoughts. Does it sound scary? You’ll get used to it.

You see our inner voice has the key to how we can live our dreams and sometimes we have to turn off the constant distractions and noise in order to hear it. Try 15 minutes a day. It could change your life! Start whenever you choose.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to live your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

What is up with self sabotage?

Self sabotage is us, usually trying to protect ourselves from our imagined evils and dangers. We get scared of unknowns and change; it is perfectly normal for most of us in different situations. That is why we have the phrase, “Feel the fear and do it anyway.”

A question: What if there was nothing to fear? What if our life comes with a safe playground? What if we can choose everything that happens to us and all we choose for ourselves is good stuff? I certainly enjoy living like that.

Others may live with the fear, but that is their choice. We can never choose for another, but we can choose for ourselves.

When we say no to self sabotage because we really believe there is nothing to fear as there are only wonderful experiences in life, we start living dreams faster than we could dream of.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help saying no to fear so that you can live your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I love your movie!

We create our own reality.

What if I told you that nothing in life is real? That we make it all up as we go along? Interesting idea isn’t it?

Would you feel like you were directing a movie? You can actually write, direct and star in your own movie. The movie is called your life. Better that you write it than someone else, don’t you think?

This is your movie so ……….
What reality do you want to create for yourself?
How do you want to be living?
Who and what do you want to choose to have around you?

Extras will pop up looking for places and roles but you ultimately choose whether they can be in your movie. Choose, choose, and choose it all!

Make your movie (your life) everything you desire.

Don’t forget a big, bold, fancy title!
What a New Year this will be!

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help creating your movie and living your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What do you desire?

Whatever you vividly imagine,
Ardently desire.
Sincerely believe,
And enthusiastically act upon,
Must inevitably come to pass.

- Paul J. Meyer

That I think, states the full story of the Law of Attraction. Vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe …. And then act on those inspirations that we receive without question … And we shall have it! Maybe even sooner than we thought. Many of mine have happened way sooner than I thought.

Remember, we don’t have to know how it will happen – we just need to trust that we will be guided. Then when we recieve our inner guidance - we need to trust it and act upon it. Sometimes it can be hard to believe that what we are guided to do can feel so easy - but that is part of the secret.

What is your dream? If you have not already - Start the process now!

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to live your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Today is: Take a break day!

Ever get caught up in thinking you have so much work to do that you cannot take a break? Me too! But that is when we need the break most!

To get out of the house, or leave the office, to go for a walk in the garden, or make a trip to the store, or to take a walk in the park, or to give ourselves permission to do whatever strikes our fancy can be the best thing we can do for our productivity and our creativity.

We will come back and suddenly everything will flow, we will be energized and have new ideas. I have even had problems solved while I was on break.

Take a break today and improve your life. It will help put you on the right track for living all those dreams! Tell anyone who asks, that I gave you permission. You’re very welcome! Enjoy the day!

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to live your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Thank you for sharing

Have you ever had family, friends and strangers want to give you unsolicited advice on how to do something or even how to live your life? Yes, I am sure we all know several people who like to do that – it must make them feel useful.

So what do we actually do when this phenomenon happens to us? Do we get angry? Walk away? Deck them? Or do we listen politely?

The new phrase I want to teach you today is: Thank you for sharing.

Ultimately, we make up our own mind and choose our own life. Others may offer advice and suggestions but we can choose whether to follow it or not.

So let’s just remember the new catch phrase is: Thank you for sharing. We can say it out loud or say it in our head. It doesn’t matter as it is not really for them (they are happy as they gave their advice). The phrase is for our benefit. It also is a phrase that shows our gratitude because they obviously care for us.

I try to never give unsolicited advice – except of course to my kids – do they count? Yes, they do – but it is so hard not to give them advice. That is why I already taught them the phrase in case I don’t catch myself in time. I hear … Thank you for sharing …. And we just laugh.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to live your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Unconditional Love

To be able to share love unconditionally is a wonderful gift. It is a gift to yourself and an awesome gift to the people you bestow it upon.

Unconditional love means that no one has to do or be anything special to earn our love. How refreshing is that? It certainly saves us a lot of time, energy and stress trying to figure out who can have our love and why. I’m all about simplifying life. How about you?

Unconditional love is a gift that is worth sharing. Let’s spread it around everywhere thick like mustard on a corned beef sandwich and we will be helping everyone live their dreams.

It is a great life! Thank you for sharing this lifetime with me!

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to live your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Self empowerment

Who can empower us better than us?

Maybe we need to check what we say to ourselves. How do we talk to ourselves and about ourselves? Do we say empowering things?

Were you told as a child no to brag? Maybe to be told that was a mistake. Bragging can be good – it is healthy to brag when we brag to ourselves about ourselves! We could start a success journal and every day we could write what we are most proud of about ourselves.

We really can be doing anything we can think of – if we think we can. Now, how about getting started on those dreams?

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help with your self empowerment in order to live your dreams more easily? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Find your holiday joy

Now is the time to center ourselves and find our joy and our reason to celebrate this holiday.

We need to make sure it is very clear because we may need to come back to it often as it is possible to get buffeted by influences outside of ourselves.

When we do the things that bring us joy – we can more easily bring joy to others. People don’t feel much joy flowing from us when we are all stressed out.

Do less this year, take short cuts, do the things you love to do, don’t do the things you dislike, and enjoy everything more.

Our enjoyment of the season and our life in general, gives others permission to follow their joy too. What a great thing to spread around this year!

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to live your dreams more easily? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Live each day

Let’s live each day to the fullest. So, what does that really mean? Well each person’s play book may be a little different ….. but here is what mine says:

It means we have enjoyed and savored many moments in each of our days.
It means we say and do most everything we have chosen to.
It means we have given and received love.
It means that we have no regrets.
It means that we feel the joy every day of moving forward in the direction of our dreams. Even the littlest of steps towards our dreams count.

When we “live each day to the fullest” we are starting to live our dreams already. That is a happy thought isn’t it? What would your play book say about “living each day?”

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to live each day so that you are living your dreams more easily? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Friday, December 7, 2007

The power of a lift

Lifting others up - we lift ourselves. When we empower others - we empower ourselves.

When we make people feel good – it makes us feel good – and they usually want to return the favor to us and others they interact with.

What kind of world would we have if everyone did and said little things to lift everyone around them up?

It doesn’t have to big and it doesn’t have to be false. When we are genuine and honest with our praise, it does not take anything away from us – indeed it gives us something wonderful back.

Who can we lift up today? How many? Could be fun!

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to live your dreams more easily? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


When we show appreciation for the people and things around us, it is like a many sided crystal – the light bounces off of everybody and everything and comes right back to us.

We cannot give away appreciation and gratitude without having it come back to us from every possible direction.

When we find ways to appreciate all that is currently good in our life (this creates our focus) we end up actually having even more come into our life to appreciate (Law of Attraction).

Appreciate freely and watch the world light up. I bet your dream will soon be lit up too.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to live your dreams more easily? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Choose the holiday season you want now

It is December and the holiday season is fast approaching once again. It is one of my favorite times of the year for many reasons. However, over the holidays we can easily get tied up in a bunch of have to do’s and less than joyous feelings. In fact, it can get very complicated with all the demands and even the media pressure for perfection.

We all know that is not what was meant to happen and how we are supposed to feel right? Right! I’m glad you agree.

The good news is that we can design and create our picture perfect holiday season just like we can everything else in our life.

What does your picture perfect holiday season looks like? Who do you want around you? What do you want to do? How do you want to feel? Write it out in detail, visualize it often, and even talk about it if you like. Give yourself permission to make the decisions, choices and changes you need to make to help this vision become true.

Before you know it – you will be living it – exactly like you pictured – and it will have happened so easily …..

So what does your dream holiday season look like? Share it here if you want. The more we each focus on what we want the more ideal our holiday season and our life will be.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to live your dreams more easily? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Be true to yourself

Have others tried to design your life? You cannot live a life someone else has designed for you - and you’ll never do it well enough to please them, so why bother even trying to? Also, it is hard for others to live a life that we may have carefully chosen for them – not with any great amount of happiness anyway.

I’m a mother of two teenage children so I remind myself of that every day. They have their own life to live and their own choices to make. I helped bring them into the world so that they could have their own adventure – not my adventure.

Letting everybody live their own life actually let’s each of us be free to live ours.

How do you want your life to look? What do you want it to be filled with? Really think about it, because you get to design your life. You and only you get to design it. Feel free to thank people for their suggestions on it though ….. Occasionally they even make a good suggestion …. Go figure.

We can spend a lot of time designing our life too because we are only concentrating on our life - not 100 others. Wow! Life gets simpler every day! That means there are fewer dreams to concentrate on too!

May you enjoy designing your dream life!

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to live your dreams more easily? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Monday, December 3, 2007

This year's Holiday Buffet

December is here which prompted this idea, but this is a special feast you can serve up for any event, anytime. People never get tired of it, so you can offer it as often as you want. Every chance you get, serve up …..

Heaping servings of Respect,
Lots of Passion
Plates of Compassion
Big bowls of Appreciation
Sprinkles of Kindness
Sprigs of Joy
And …. Large dollops of Love.

Don't forget the big servings of Self Respect for yourself.

People will enjoy it so much you may get requests all year long. The biggest compliment to your buffet of course comes from others desires to serve it to you as well.

Are there any dishes you would like to add?
Because everyone’s additions make it better you know!

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to live your dreams easily? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Today is - Be Kind to Ourselves Day!

Kindness to ourselves has to start with us! I believe in you and all that you are capable of – the question is; do you believe in yourself? If you can, then what I think empowers you. If you cannot, than what I think does not even matter.

For some of us it is harder than for others to be kind to ourselves – what with that negative self talk and all. We have all been mean to ourselves at one time or another. I have been training myself to only say good stuff about myself. Now I can more easily share kindness with everyone around me because I live with it every day - but it had to start with me. It feels good. I recommend you try it.

We must feed ourselves kindness – then we can share our love and kindness with others. Dreams happen very quickly then.

Try extending this day into a lifetime and just watch the results in your life.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to live your dreams easily? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Be conscious

It is easy to live life unconsciously – to just go through the motions – to just do it this way because that is what we have always done …… sometimes we don’t even think – it is like we are on autopilot.

What do we miss when we go through life unconsciously? What opportunities have we missed? What pleasures have we missed? Could we even have missed an easy route to attaining our dream?

Let’s make a conscious effort to turn off our autopilot and plan to be conscious in our life every moment of every day. Yes, that means even while we are driving! Ever gotten from point A to B without remembering the details? Uh huh, me too!

We can make the choice to be conscious of our thoughts, beliefs, actions and the people and opportunities around us as we do our day to day activities.

Is it a little harder to focus on these things rather than run on autopilot? Sure – but the benefits are worth it! I’m sure we will enjoy ourselves more and I bet we will suddenly see more clearly the clues all around us for how to live our dream. Maybe they have been there all along or maybe something new is coming right this minute…… quick – be conscious!

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to live consciously so that you are able to live your dreams easily? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

In pursuit of Perfection

We can get caught up in being perfect and doing things perfectly. Is perfection really important though? Maybe perfection is in the eye of the beholder anyway?

Can perfection interfere with us enjoying life and even get in the way of us living our dreams? Maybe it can. Maybe it even happens more often than we would like to admit.

I know that I would rather have friends over – even when the house does not look perfect, than miss out on visiting with my friends. I would rather send out this blog with my day’s thoughts – even if it is not perfect, because I think it is important to share, and maybe it will make a difference to one person’s life.

I’m not perfect. I make lots of mistakes, but I figure mistakes are bound to happen to us all on the way to living our dreams. Take a look around you at the people you think are successful – do you think they have made mistakes? Have you even witnessed some of their mistakes? Does it really matter?

I think somebody important once said, “Perfection is not of this world.” I live here – in this world. How about you?

P.S. I think you are perfect just the way you are – in fact, I think everyone is perfect as is. That means you don’t have to worry about being perfect anymore! There, happy to solve that one for you.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to live your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Is the future so bright that you've gotta wear shades?

Would that be a great place to be? We can create it you know. We can start by living our lives on the bright side of the street.

Everything that happens to us, or around us, could probably be looked at positively or negatively, in one way or another. The questions are: Where is our focus? More important, where do we want it to be?

Do we want more good things to happen in our lives? Then we should focus on the good stuff. Our focus will attract more of it to us! It can be very easy to live life on the bright side. It is a choice we all have.

When we choose the bright side, before we know it, we are reaching for our shades because our future looks so bright! It’s filled with so many possibilities …. And so many dreams that we can clearly see we will be living …. Suddenly life is really exciting and feels wonderful.

We can create that! Personally, I need about 20 different pairs of shades - to go with my different outfits you know.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help walking on the bright side so that you can live your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Gratitude - is it always obvious?

It is easy to feel gratitude over obvious things – but what about the not so obvious?

Last week I slipped on a slight incline and my left foot twisted backwards so that the top of my foot from my toe nail to my ankle scraped the cement. It hurt for the week – I did not think much about it – and certainly did not extend any gratitude for it. I figured I had other things to be grateful for and focused on them.

Several days after it happened, it was pointed out to me how lucky I was – I could have broken my ankle! That honestly had never even occurred to me! So I didn’t even think that was something to be grateful for! I do Yoga so it must keep me more limber – now another extension found for my gratitude.

How many times do we have something less than wonderful happen in our lives and it does not even occur to us to give thanks because it could have been so much worse? Where is our focus? Maybe the event even stopped us from being somewhere or doing something else that would have not been good for us? Sometimes the things we have to be grateful for are not obvious, but they are always there!

This week let’s try to look from a new perspective and see what new gratitude’s we will find in unexpected things.

I’ll be living my dreams one gratitude at a time. Thank you dearest foot, thank you Universe for the reminder, thank you all for reading ……..

How about you?

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help finding all the things to be grateful for so that you can live your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Procrastination may be good for us

Procrastination is usually considered to be a negative or a bad thing, but what if it is really a good thing?

Maybe when we feel the need to procrastinate, it means we should not do this thing we figure we need to do, or maybe even that we don’t need to do it. Really, have you ever let some things sit on your "to do list" so long that you decided to just cross them off? I rest my case.

Our time may be better spent on doing the things that really get us excited – doing the things that we just can’t wait to do has to get us to our dreams faster than trying to do the things we hate or dread.

My secret is: if it feels good to do something and I am inspired and motivated to do it - I do it -no questions- and I do it as soon as possible. If I’m not inspired or motivated, and I can live without it being done, I cross it off the list. Why waste our energy on stuff like that? If it is something I am not really excited about but it needs to be done; I delegate it, decide to do it on my own time (next Tuesday for example), or do it really quick so that it doesn’t interfere with the fun stuff I’m inspired to do.

Really, it is all about energy, positive thoughts and the Law of Attraction. The faster we deal with anything we want to procrastinate on, the sooner we clear that negative or heavy energy away so that the inspirations and feel good thoughts can come into our lives.

We live our dreams faster when we spend our time doing all the things we are inspired to do. Procrastination may just be a way for us to guide ourselves to the good stuff that life has in store for us.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help sorting through any procrastination so that you can live your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

What fear?

Get this – experts actually talk about both fear of failure and fear of success. Can you believe it? We can be afraid to fail and afraid to succeed? Maybe we should just add fear of life and never leave the house! Are we actually being held back from living our dream life by fear?

What will people say? Will we be rejected? Will we look foolish? Will people talk about us behind our back? ..... The list goes on and on.

Let’s look at Donald Trump. Do you think he has any fears?

Let’s see, he already lost all his money once and came back even richer, he’s been divorced and found love again, invested in all kinds of real estate – in all kinds of markets (making money and losing money), written books, made TV shows, does public speaking engagements … and feels confident to wear his hair any way he chooses. I’d say - no fear.

Maybe that is the secret; try everything and when you live though it – you discover that there is nothing to fear. Do you think he always knew the outcome of his actions? Nope. But it all seems to have worked out.

What if we decided that everything in life always turns out perfectly and that we are perfectly safe in this playground called life? What if we decided we could do no wrong because the only person to please is ourselves anyway? All of a sudden it becomes; fear of what? There is suddenly nothing to fear.

I suggest that by taking the action to live our dream, the fears will disappear. They were never real to begin with anyway.

Look mom – here I go – watch me - no fear! What a dream!

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to shatter any of your fears so that you can live your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


When we anticipate beautiful things will happen in our life – they usually do.

We can anticipate good things happening in our lives and experience joy ……. or anticipate bad things happening in our lives and be afraid. By choosing our focus – we ultimately choose our end result. This is the Law of Attraction showing itself once again.

Do you know what the ultimate combo for living our dreams is? It is to find what we are grateful for now in our lives, while we take it even further by anticipating our glorious future.

What good things are you happily anticipating for your life?

I anticipate joyously celebrating you living your dream!

By the way, that means I’ll be living one of mine! Don’t you know? One of my dreams is to help you live yours! What a team!

Live it! Live it! Live it! Live it! Live it! Live it! Live it! …………. Oh yes!

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to live your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Money is a beautiful energy

Sometimes the dream is to have more money; to accumulate more wealth in life. It can be a very worthwhile goal as money can help give us more freedom and choices in our lives.

It could be noted however that; the singular pursuit of money – just to accumulate money for moneys sake usually does not buy much happiness. We can always have happiness without money. In fact, it is when we find our happiness that the money usually flows to us more freely.

Have you ever thought about money as simply energy? After all, everything in our life is simply energy – or what’s called a vibration. We just need to align ourselves with money energy to attract it.

What do you think about when you think about money? Do you have positive thoughts and expectations or feelings of lack? Do you cheer when someone comes into a lot of money or grumble because it is not fair? Do you feel that you are capable and deserving of having an abundance of money in your life? We need to look deeply within ourselves for these answers because often what we say – is different than how we truly feel. Our answers start to tell us if we are aligned with the energy of money or not.

When we feel good about money, it will flow into our reality as if we were holding a magnet out to it! It can also come from sources we would never have imagined. Happy aligning!

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help aligning with the energy of money to live your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Who do you hang around with?

It is a good idea to continually look around at our friends and who we surround ourselves with. Are they empowering and uplifting us? Do we feel good when we are around them? Are they cheering for our success and we for theirs? Do they talk of positives or negatives in life?

One very fast way to living our dreams is to surround ourselves with positive and uplifting people. Can we also be the same friend for them?

If we and our friends drag each other down, it takes much longer to be able to live those dreams – if ever. An easy way to figure out if each relationship is positive or not, is to ask ourselves if we feel better or worse about ourselves and life after we have been with them.

When we are uplifting friends, and we have uplifting friends, those dreams hit fast forward. They can zoom in faster than we could ever have imagined.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to live your dreams? I know how to be an up lifter. I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Friday, November 16, 2007

What if there was no tomorrow?

If there was no tomorrow coming, would the things we are worried about today matter? Would we even bother to worry about them?

If there was no tomorrow, would we be sad about things we did not do today? Would we be disappointed about things we did not say to loved ones and friends today?

What would happen if we all lived like there was no tomorrow? What would be important today?

Let’s live each of our days to the fullest and enjoy each one for the special gift that it is. I believe that we have the power to make every day into a dream day. What does your dream day look like?

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to be able to enjoy every day like it was a dream? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The circle of love

When we give with love, we feel good. What else happens? Many we gave to want to give back to us with love. Then they feel good and we even feel good again and want to give more love back to even more people.

When we receive with love – people are grateful because we like their present. Then we are moved to give back ourselves.

The giving and receiving can consist of things, a gesture, a kind word or even a smile. Sure you can give and receive those things without love, but then you are missing out on the best part.

The giving and receiving of love becomes a never ending circle and life becomes filled with gratitude. It’s a very nice way to enjoy life and another great and easy way to start living our dream life.

Go ahead and show your love today. We’ll never feel empty as long as we are giving away love.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to be able to live all of your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

How will our dream happen?

It is not our job to know. That makes things simple doesn’t it? We don’t have to figure that one out! Let’s face it; figuring out “how” we are going to get or achieve something is the hardest part. That is what always stumps us. In fact, that is what usually stops us from even trying. We can be heard muttering, “How would that ever be possible for me?” Stop! Because the “how“ is not for us to figure out!

Our role is to decide what our dream is and to focus on how it will feel for us to live it. Our job is to picture the end result. What happens next? We will receive ideas and inspirations of little things to do every day – our only job is to do them - no matter how insignificant they seem. When we do all these little things that come to mind, we move closer and closer to that dream.

One day soon we will be living our dream and as we stand there in the middle of all the beauty that surrounds us – we probably could never have imagined it would have happened like it did.

Staying detached from the “How” allows our dream to happen faster.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to be able to live all of your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Beautiful moments for life

A good life is made up of a series of beautiful little moments. Can you recognize them all when they happen? We can wait for these moments to happen to us or we can start the ball rolling.

Could you offer thanks to someone today?
Could you play with someone today?
Could you hug someone today?
Could you stop and admire something beautiful?

When we offer beautiful moments, we not only get to enjoy them ourselves but we start a process where we receive the gift of more than we can count returned.

Our life is the sum of our moments. Let’s choose to make them beautiful and worth remembering. May the road to living your dreams be filled with beautiful moments.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to be able to live all of your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Smile - it's contagious

Smile and the world will smile with you. Well, I bet that the majority of people you encounter will smile back, and will probably be found paying it forward to the very next person they meet.

When we smile, we start a chain reaction. First, we feel happier - sometimes for no apparent reason but for that we are smiling. Maybe it is because it makes us look for reasons we can smile. Next, when we smile, we interact with other people in a happier and more positive way which usually makes them feel happier and more positive. Then, they want to return that to us and others. A smile is capable of feeding itself and that makes it contagious. It really is so much fun to spread a smile.

If you are not smiling already, turn the corners of your mouth up and make a smile. Are you feeling its power?

Maybe we can start living our dreams one smile at a time! After all, the Law of Attraction states that when we are feeling good, we attract more stuff that makes us feel good into our lives …. enter our dream.

A smile is a small and simple tool that can be used in the quest to live your dreams. It is so small that it is often overlooked. Try it and it may just pay off in big rewards, for you and everyone around you.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to be able to live all of your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Friday, November 9, 2007


Take time to relax today and every day. Take time for yourself. Everything in our life flows more smoothly when we relax. We can live all of our dreams more easily when we relax. Trust me on this.

Breathe in, breathe out – sounds simple doesn’t it? Do something or do nothing – do whatever brings you feelings of peace and joy. Do it for a few minutes or do it all day.

Every day we have a multitude of things that need to be done. We all seem to have “to do” lists that never end. We stress over things. I know all about it as some of my “to do” lists run into next year! Let’s stop. Stop and relax and enjoy life. Are we here on planet earth to accomplish a list of things that need to be done? I think not.

So, breathe in, breathe out – and think about what you would like to do to relax. It is simple really and it’s a great way to start living your dreams. You’ll see.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to be able to live all of your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Living the Marathon dream

I have had several posts of my 62 year old friend who has been training for a Marathon. A few weeks ago he did it! Here is the story in his own words .......

The gambler said, “Every hand’s a winner and every hand’s a loser, you gotta to know how to hold ‘em, know how to fold ‘em the best you can hope for is to die in your sleep!” (or something like that!!) The marathon runner says you have to know how to pick up your feet and put them down for 26 and ¼ miles, [42.2 km] and very one that finishes is a winner. The best you can hope for is to be able to walk sometime in the next week!

Victoria, Oct. 7th, 8.30 am. I find myself in amongst nearly 10,000 others who will take part in the events here; marathon, 1/2 marathon, 8k, etc. I hear the mayor giving us a big welcome to the city as the starting clock is ticking down. Last minute check… shoes tied and knotted? Do I have enough clothes on? It’s sunny but cool. Maybe too many clothes on? Yep, I’m taking off my sweats top and bottom.

Bam! We’re off! This mass of runners is moving! The street is lined with supporters, moms, dads, wives and husbands, friends… all cheering as we run out under the balloon arch. Truly awesome!

At the half-way mark my time is 2.17.25; 25 seconds behind Alta. I’m enjoying watching Alta, my daughter run. She is just seconds ahead of me.. pony tail swinging side to side Right there is the reason I’m in this race. About 6 months ago she said, “Dad, I want to do a Marathon. You did one 18 years ago and I haven’t done one. I think I can. Train with me, keep me accountable.”

Having reached a weight that I’d never thought I would, why not… might take off these added pounds! So some 5 plus months later, after running training runs in four provinces of Canada and 1 state in the USA of approximately 575-600 miles, in nearly every kind of weather (except a real down pour), and reducing my weight by 20 pounds…. I’m chasing her pony tail!
There are not only good runners here, there are great runners here. It was somewhere about this time I met the first returning runner. WOW I’m not even at the half way mark! Man is he moving! No doubt going faster than I can ever sprint!

I’m still feeling good at the half way point and I have even managed to pass a few runners, some who have picked up cramps and a few that are really slower than me, surprise, surprise! Now is where things start to change. A light rain has started. Good, no problem, I’ve had some runs in a light drizzle. We’re on the return, running along the bay and a wind is coming up and the rain is no longer a drizzle, it’s raining! There are a lot of runners not dressed for this and soon we start to see the effects when some of them are put into the ambulances. Some are in quite bad condition. The road is water all over. The rain has become a downpour. The wind, while not real strong is making this run a real challenge. At about this time in this mess I have lost sight of that pony tail swinging up ahead. From this point on, she’s running her own race and I’m left to run mine! Some well meaning person has brought out a kayak and placed it along the road! I find it amazing to see a few locals shivering under their umbrellas trying to encourage us as we splash down the streets.

Soon after I lost sight of Alta, the left side of my brain, (or is there anything left of my brain?!), started telling me, “this is just a fun run that has turned into a not fun run so why don’t you just walk? You’re cold, this is stupid.” I tell the brain it’s right but I’m running any way! Slower, mind you, but staying in the run. There is no more sightseeing. It’s just… have mercy; don’t let it be much farther!

With about 4 miles to go, a couple of policewomen came along side me. “Are you ok? Talk to us.” My mind is screaming.. go way, I’m trying to run. They won’t go away, so I tell them I’m ok! But they say you don’t look ok. They decided they better call for help. I don’t want help, I’m so close to the end I just want to finish. So I say, “Hey girls, you want to go dancing afterwards? They assure me I won’t be doing any dancing afterwards, so I tell them “If I didn’t pretend to run like this I’d never get to beautiful police officers escorting me down the road!” Got a laugh and they decided to let me continue on!

I really was hurting, though! My muscles were so cold they were contracting and pulling me forward. I’d become what is referred to as a “leaner”. You can see that in the picture taken of me when I crossed the finish line. Fact was, I was leaning forward so bad that I had to keep running or I’d fall forward. I could not slow down to walk!

As soon as Alta crossed the finish line (at 4 hours, 28 minutes, and 41 seconds) she returned to meet me. She ran the last mile in with me. I remember her saying, Dad, I did it, you can too. I tried to straighten; up but for all the world I could not. Alta on the other hand, really had a great run sprinting the last few hundred yards then, returning to run in with me. Wow! Little did I realize I was only 32 minutes (three miles) behind that wet pony tail! I was very grateful the aids caught me as I crossed the finish line and took in to the medical tent.

I know never is a long time, but if it takes me another 18 years to get ready for my next one that’s probably never! This is the third day after as I write this and my recovery has been phenomenal. I walk normally and plan a 4 mile run for tomorrow.

I now have the medallion and the tee shirt and a time of 4 hours, 50 minutes and 22 seconds!!
Thanks for running with me, The Marathoner

Way to live the dream Clifford!

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick

Live Your Dreams Life Coach

Would you like some help to be able to live all of your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Sharing a few words on vision today .........

"Visionary people are visionary partly because of the very great many things they don't see."

Berkeley Rice

"Isn't this so true! Visionary people don't seem to see obstacles - or at least, they don't see them as obstacles, maybe just as challenges. I've heard so many successful business people say that when going in, they didn't even know what could go wrong. They were so focused on looking at their vision that all the obstacles were a blur. They were so committed to following through with their vision that they couldn't even imagine anything stopping them so they turned that vision into a reality. " Lissa Coffey

It is all about choices - we can choose our focus. If we focus only on the goal (and of course on enjoying our journey along the way) and not the obstacles we can live all our dreams. What's your choice?

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to be able to live all of your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I figure life is supposed to be fun. If I don’t have fun and love in my life, why bother with it?

It is simplistic, but it works for me. It has made for a pretty interesting life because if ever I didn’t like my job, I quit it. I have a whole history of many different jobs and careers. Interestingly, nothing in my life suffered. In fact, I have enjoyed my life immensely.

Our life is a testament of our choices. For me, if something is not fun - then forget it. What is the use of doing something that you don’t enjoy doing?

What is fun for you? What do you choose? We always have choices. If you can’t see them, ask a friend or a life coach.

When we live life with fun as a goal it becomes much easier to see the way to our dreams.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to be able to live all of your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Who are you?

My husband and I went to see a movie called, The Genius Club, yesterday. I will not even go into the story line. Suffice to say, it was interesting.

A question that is posed in it is, “Who am I?” It is a question that cannot be answered with what you do, the sports you play, the grades you get, or the fact that you are a wife, husband, mother, father, grandma or grandpa. These are all the things we use to label ourselves but they are not really who we are.

Think about that for awhile. What would you answer?

I would say, “I am love.” For me, if we cannot give love and feel love, what do we have to live for? What is the meaning of life without love? I strive to do everything I do with love because that is all I have. All I do is with a goal of feeling love – even my own love. Love is what gives my life meaning - so that is who I choose to be. I am love. Who are you?

There cannot be one correct answer because we are all different. There may be as many answers as there are people in the world, but our answers may help us live with more happiness in our lives and certainly clarify our dreams and then help us live them.

Go ahead and introduce yourself to the world and tell us who you are. I, for one, love you. Unconditionally, just as you are because that is who I am.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help to be able to live all of your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Dream - Dare - Do

If we can dream it – we can dare to do it! If we can dream it – we can live it! There is always a way, even when it does not seem obvious to us. How is that for a belief?

In my world anything is possible. How about yours? Our possibilities start with our beliefs. When we change our beliefs, we increase our possibilities. Ooh, I see another possibility coming your way now!

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like help working on your beliefs to be able to live your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


I think we would all agree that what we affirm to ourselves during each day plays a very important role in how our life turns out. So what is your self talk? Is it positive or negative?

I am not even going to state what any of the negatives could be because quite frankly, none of us need any help in that department!

I’ll give you some ideas for positive self talk though. Start with these and add on – the more the merrier. Say them to yourself until they become second nature.

I am so good at ___________.
I have great visions and I am making them real.
I always do ____________ well.
I deserve abundance.
Everything happens for me easily.

Every time you say something to yourself – your mind wants to prove you right, so you might as well be saying positive stuff and then when your life is sailing along you can tell yourself – see? I told you so!

I can hear your dream life knocking on your door already! Enjoy living it!

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like help creating powerful affirmations to live your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


There is great power in the synergy of a group. Masterminds have been written about and talked about forever. Napolean Hill wrote about it in his famous book, Think and Grow Rich. He says it was drawn to his attention by Andrew Carnegie. Both of these men and many others have attributed the power of masterminds to many of their accomplishments.

This concept could also play a powerful role for you in living all of your desired dreams. There is always increased energy and new, powerful ideas that come from willing minds coming together.

My suggestion is first to become clear in what you want to accomplish in your life and then to look around for those that you admire, or who have similar desires, or who are already experiencing different aspects of the success that you are choosing for yourself. Be clear in what you would offer the group (even just an open and positive mind is of benefit) and then approach your chosen people with this concept. Get ready to be amazed by the results.

If you would like specific ideas on how to run a mastermind group, just let me know and I can send you some information. It’s just one more way to live your dreams.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like help to live your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

What if there were no limitations?

What if we put aside all of the unnecessary limitations that we tend to create for ourselves? Suddenly we would be saying - - - I could do that - - - I could ask her for what I need - - - this is okay to do - - - I can do this after all!

A secret to making this idea work would be to consciously think about it throughout the day. I'm posting a note at my desk. We would need to continually ask – is this one of my limitations? It would be like removing road blocks of big trees and other barricades from the road we are travelling. It could be fun and so empowering!

If we managed to successfully remove our imaginary road blocks, it would be pretty smooth access to our dream destination and all the fun along the way, wouldn’t it? Interesting. Is it worth a try? How important is your dream?

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like help putting aside any limitations you may have to living your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Let the answer be yes!

Say yes to living life to the fullest. Say yes every day to the inspirations you receive. Does it feel like a wonderful thought? Say yes and do it! Follow up on it! Our inspirations will lead us to a life where we really are living all of our dreams.

Let’s make a rule this week to not analyze our thoughts and inspirations too much. If it feels good – let’s do it! Let’s say yes! Let’s live on the edge of joy and wonder this week! I say yes!!! How about you?

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like help saying yes to living your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Friday, October 26, 2007

We need only be inspired

More than 2,000 years ago, Patanjali gave us this profound and true statement....

"When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds, your mind transends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties, and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be."

What are you inspired to do? The world is going to love it!

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like help to live your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Living in the moment is so now!

There is great power to be found in really living in and enjoying each of our moments. We will find great power and great satisfaction in it. Great power because this moment presets our next moment and great satisfaction because now is when we get to truly enjoy it.

By the way, just to be perfectly clear, we are talking about this current moment. What can you appreciate about your life in this moment?

Focusing on our current moment certainly stops us from ruminating on our past and it will stop us from freaking out about a future that may or may not happen.

What do we do if we are not liking this moment? Now is the time to change it to one we like better. We always have that power either physically or with our thoughts.

There we are again - living our dreams one good moment at a time. This is lovely! What do you think?

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like help to live your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Do what you love ...

Do what you love .... and love what you do. What would that look like in your life?

When we do what we love and love what we do - magic happens! Everything comes our way easily and nothing feels like work. It is as if we are living a dream..... and it feels so good.

What's that? It's like living a dream? Could that be a secret to living our dream then? Maybe!

So what do you love to do??? And what keeps you from doing it more often?

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like help to find the way to do what you love so that you can be living your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Climb out of that rut

I know, our ruts are our safe place .... and sometimes I really like my rut ... but when we get to that place where we are feeling bored with life, boxed in or stuck ... then we need to find a way out of our rut.

Simple, fun ways of climbing out of that rut are to try doing things differently.... hang upside down - brush your teeth with the opposite hand - go to work a different way - read a different magazine than you normally would - watch a different TV show than you normally would. Get the idea?

If we keep doing, reading, and seeing the same stuff in our lives how are we ever going to get out of our rut?

Go ahead and shake things up a little. You may be surprised at the benefits. Bye bye rut - let's get on with living that dream!

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like help getting out of any ruts you may have so that you can live your dream? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Friday, October 19, 2007

What will we learn today?

We are always learning new things. Who was it that said ... if we are not learning - we are probably dead? I don't want to feel dead!

After all, if we are not always learning something we would always be in the same place. Who wants to stay in the same place all the time even if it is beautiful?

We are always learning and choosing more for our lives. That is what gives life - life!

Let's start with that dream and let's learn how to live it. They say it will be easy to learn and I believe that is true - how about you?

I feel alive! I'm learning as I go and that is A. Okay.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like help to live your dream? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Opportunities – we make our own.

Our responsibility is to keep our eyes open to see them – our ears open to hear them - and our mouth able to ask for them.

Here comes one now. Do you see it? Can you hear it? Do you know who to ask about it?

We can live our dreams – one discovered opportunity at a time. Who knew it was so easy to make our own opportunities? Let’s make a bunch more! This is too much fun and so empowering!

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like help to more easily find your opportunities to live your dream? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Ego vs. Spirit

Ego says this is mine – I am right – I am better than you.

Spirit does not care what is mine or yours – who is right – or that anybody is better than anybody else. Spirit only wants you to be happy. Spirit usually wants peace.

Ego is the voice in your head that makes you feel bad. Spirit is the voice from your heart that only wants you to feel good.

Spirit wants you to live whatever dreams make you happy. Ego wants you to live the life that looks good to others.

Who would you prefer to listen to? It is our choice every day who we listen to.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like help to live your dream? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Is some failure required to succeed?

Do you think you need to be willing to fail a lot to achieve success? Then that is what you will need to do. After all, everybody talks about how many times Edison failed to create a light bulb or how many times Col. Saunders knocked on doors to get his chicken recipe sold. You could say that they thought they needed to fail a lot before they succeeded. I think a lot of people believe that.

However, maybe they were enjoying the process and the steps they were taking never felt like failures to them. Maybe they believed in their dream and everything they did felt great and right on target.

Do you believe you can just walk into success and it will be easy? Then you can. You can walk into success and everything will be easy. You only have to believe to walk into your dream. Oh. That was so easy – you were right!

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like help to live your dream? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Our Health and the Law of Attraction

Is your dream to have better health?
It is absolutely, 100% possible. If you believe it is.

You might start by asking yourself: How has my lack of health been serving me? Maybe it used to serve you, but it serves you no longer. Make the decision to make the change!

How many times a day can you say - I feel great. I now choose to feel great. I feel healthy. I now choose to feel healthy. I feel terrific.

My body gets better every day. My body has the ability to heal itself. I feel it happening now. I feel total wellness....... It is 100% in your belief.

You can say: I choose health. This _____ is not necessary in my life. Thank you – you have fulfilled your purpose but now I choose abundant health.

We can go into several additional strategies, but the basis for it all is that our focus changes what is happening in our bodies. It can be hard to change our focus (we may have had it for a long time) but it is worth it. Our focus is the start to living the dream of better health.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like help finding better health? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

What brings you joy?

Ask yourself today – What makes you happy? What gets you excited to jump out of bed in the morning?

Do you know anymore what would truly make you happy? Sometimes we get so busy with the things we think we need to do to make everyone else happy that we forget to ask ourselves - what brings us joy?

Listen for the answer and you will maybe discover more than one thing that brings joy into your life. Pick one and do it, create it, or make it happen today.

There you are starting to live your dreams one joyous moment at a time. It feels so good doesn't it? Try joy daily.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help finding and being able to experience your joys? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Just be happy

Sometimes the easiest way of all to start living our dreams and attracting more of what we desire to us is just to find our happiness right now – right this minute.

What can you be happy about now? What can you plan so that you can feel happy and look forward to today? It only takes a minute to recognize or find something (even if it is a little thing) to be happy about.

Then the neatest thing in the world happens…..our happy moment attracts more happy moments into our life and before we know it we are living all of our dreams – one happy moment at a time.

Some things are easy really!

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help planning your happiness? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

What are you thinking?

What we think about helps create everything that happens in our life.

What do you think about during your day?

Think success – believe in success - believe in the positive – read about success – watch successes – listen to recordings of successful people – picture your success – picture everyone succeeding!

Now we have a focus – where do you think we are headed?
Ooh, ooh, I’ll answer – we are headed for one success after another! Am I right?

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help planning your success? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Eliminate fear with love

We can eliminate a lot of the fear of how to achieve our dream just by focusing on doing what we love.

Have you ever noticed that you usually have no fear when you do the stuff you love?
You don’t even think about it. It gives you pleasure and joy and in so doing brings others pleasure and joy. Like attracts like. You can even attract the perfect mate by doing what you love.

Sometimes to get to our dream or goal we find there are several things we may need to do …. Sales, contact people, bookwork …. you can fill in your blanks. But what part of it do you love? You have to love doing part of it or it would not be your dream. Try focusing on doing only the stuff you love.

The stuff you don’t love? Can you find someone else who loves to do that? Why waste our precious time doing something we don’t love?

We can all be living our dreams when we all focus on doing what we love!
Sometimes things just seem too simple.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help so that you can live all of your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Take time to be selfish

Were you told that to be selfish was a bad thing by any chance?

I think that selfishness can be misunderstood. Sometimes we need to be a little selfish.

How can we give to others without first giving to ourselves what we need? We have to feel fulfilled in order to give to others – otherwise we are coming from a place of lack. Lack because we feel that we are not getting what we need. That is a yucky place to be.

Give yourself permission to be selfish. What do you need to give yourself? Does it involve other people? They are not mind readers – so ask for what you want. Ask for help, ask for time … just ask for what you need. Try it – it is surprisingly easy and people love to help. We always seem to forget that people generally love to be helpful.

When we take the time to focus on ourselves and satisfy our needs – we always find that we have so much more to give and share. What we have to give will seem bottomless when we fulfill our needs first. When we give with genuine love and generosity because we are fulfilled, it comes back to us 100 fold.

That dream is becoming easier to achieve all the time. Who knew selfishness could be so beneficial?

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

For more information see

Would you like some help so that you can live all of your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Every day is a gift

Every day is an incredible gift and the best part is, we get to play with it right up until we go to bed! Then the next day we get a new one!

If we believe that every day is a wonderful present – maybe a whole bunch of presents - we will always be looking for the next good thing about it.

That puts us a whole lot closer to attaining our dreams – even living our dreams, don’t you think?

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

P.S. For more information see

Would you like some help to live all of your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Respond to life

Every day we get to decide how we will respond to everything that shows up in our lives.

If it is good stuff – well that is easy. But if it is: bad traffic, someone’s late, extra work, … (you can add to the list of possibilities) that can be different.

Really, we can react or we can respond to pretty well every situation. A reaction is what we don’t want – it is like when the doctor says you have a reaction to the medication he gave you – that is never good. You know, when someone hits you physically or verbally sometimes we might react without thinking and hurt that person and that is not really a good idea either. No one feels good after that.

A response though, is something we can choose. It usually means we take a minute to choose it. Taking a minute in most situations can be a good idea.

Of course we can also work on some immediate responses. For instance, when someone asks about our day we can have an automatic response of - it’s going fantastically well or awesome or great. That makes me feel good every time I respond like that. The bonus is, it causes me to focus on what is indeed fantastic, awesome or great about my day!

When we are focused on the good stuff with all our responses to our day, we can’t help but be well on our way to living our dream. In fact, maybe we have started living it already.

Neat eh, how such a small adjustment in a response can have such a big effect!

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

P.S. For more information see

Would you like some help practicing responses to events in your life so that it is easier to live all of your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Easy and relaxed ....

I think we have become very good at complicating life. We are more than capable of creating must do’s and should have’s for ourselves and everyone around us.

Wouldn’t it be nice if our life was easy and relaxed instead? Well, why can’t it be?
Really – why can’t it be?

We can certainly choose to have an easy and relaxed life. For example the next time something seems too complicated – we could just say no thanks – I’m waiting for the simpler version.

We can start asking ourselves what is the easiest way to do this? How can I make this simpler? Our minds are very powerful – I bet we will come up with several easier ways. We just have to ask for it.

Life is feeling much more easy and relaxed already. I don't think that achieving that dream will be so hard after all.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

P.S. For more information see

Would you like some help learning how to live all of your dreams in an easy and relaxed way? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Hakuna Matata

What does it mean? Hakuna Matata means ........

What a wonderful life! Life is worry free for the rest of our days! Life is problem free! .... that is the philosophy you see.

Hakuna Matata - this is the title to a wonderful Disney song found in The Lion King. And it is all the more special because it is sung by a warthog! Ah, the magic of Disney.

Let's think about this philosophy for a minute ..... what if we adopted it as our philosophy? What if we believed that life was problem free and that we had no more worries for the rest of our days? Life would be pretty wonderful! Let's try adopting that philosophy and see how much closer it brings us to our dreams. Ooh, mine are much closer now. Go ahead and throw those worries out the window - they only spoil our present anyway. Hakuna Matata!

Now to make it really stick - look up the song on the Internet and we can all sing along!

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

P.S. For more information see

Would you like some help singing Hakuna Matata in your life to live all of your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Stand in the now and look ahead

What if we decided that no matter what was going on in our life right now that we were in the perfect place - having the perfect experiences that we needed right now to take us exactly where we now choose to go?

We may arrive at our dream the fastest if we:

1. Decide that the past does not matter – no need to analyze it – it’s already happened. It takes up way too much valuable time and energy to analyze all those years! Oops, am I aging myself talking about all those years?

2. Decide to develop gratitude for where we are right now because it will help us get to where we want to go.

3. Place our focus on where we want to go.

What? The future is suddenly looking so bright that you have to wear shades? I know it!

When we appreciate the now and look with anticipation for our glorious future – we’ll be walking into that dream faster than we ever thought possible before.

Enjoy yourself! I see a big celebration party coming up …….

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

P.S. For more information see

Would you like some help to live all of your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Be hopeful

Let’s practice hopeful, happy thoughts.
Let’s try going through life with a positive expectation.
What do you think we will predominantly get in our lives?

That’s right. We will get more positive stuff happening – and that will lead to more hopeful and happy thoughts. Oops we created a circle where life may just end up getting better and better! Okay I want to participate in that. How about you?

Yep, we can be actually living our dreams one positive, hopeful, happy thought at a time!
So what is your happy thought?

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

P.S. For more information see
Would you like help to live your dream? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

"Marathon, you Can Do It!"

Remember our 62 year old first time marathoner from past posts? Now we have his latest update as he counts down to October 7th! This is a great live your dreams story!

The title of the book is, "Marathon, You Can Do It!" I read it and believed it!

Some of you know I started this over 5 months ago. None of you have heard from me for a long time. But in the dark of the early mornings, in the glare of the sun, wind and rain the training went on. The long runs got longer until I did the 23 miler with my daughter a few weeks ago. She completed the run... BUT, I found the wall at 21 1/2 miles!! I completed it only by walking! That is an experience one can only appreciate if it's happened to them.

On Saturday, the 15th, our training program called for a 26 miler! As I got ready the night before there was the BIG question..... Could I get by 21 1/2 miles? A restless night to say the least but by 5 AM it was settled. Face the beast and believe what the book said... "YOU CAN DO IT!"

Somewhere after 5 hr. 30 min. the distance of 26.26 miles [42.26km] was history! Remember this is just a training run. The race is on the 7th of Oct. So now it's just stay injury free till then.

Oh! Did I mention that I received a bronze and a silver for my effort? Well first I found the penny, then the quarter!! Twenty-six cents!! How strange is that?! By the way, the book didn't say anything about the penny a mile stuff.

Thanks for your emails and support.

The Marathoner.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

P.S. For more information see

Would you like help to live your dream? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Will you try?

Sometimes it seems easier not to try, not to move, and just to stay in the same place … but what effect does this decision have on how we feel about ourselves and our life on a day to day basis?

The decision of whether or not to take the first steps towards our dream is always ours. It has to be our decision because only we know how it feels. To live our dream or not to live our dream – that is the question each of us must ask.

The answer will be found in how we feel about each scenario. How does it feel when we think of staying put? How does it feel to think about going for it?

Which makes us feel better? That is the only guide we should listen to.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

P.S. For more information see

Would you like assistance on how to live your dream? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Are you in your ideal career?

If you need to work every day – are you doing something that you really enjoy? We spend a lot of time in our jobs not to enjoy ourselves at it. Imagine, how would it feel to enjoy it?

If your answer is that you love your job - I am so happy for you. It feels wonderful and rewarding doesn’t it? If your answer is that you hate your job - are you on your way to being able to do what you love?

Sometimes excuses can get in the way – do you have any?

There are many ways to make money doing what we love and many ways to make the transition from your current “just get by” job to your new “I love my day” job.

The first thing I would suggest you do is to give yourself permission to decide what you really want to be doing. How specific can you be in what you want? What does the change require? If you take away the excuses, can you see some little steps that could get you to your new dream job or career?

Would you be willing to start moving forward even if you can’t quite see how your end goal can be accomplished? You see, it is only in our desire and by our tentative first steps in the direction we want to go that our full “how” is often shown. Then it can seem like things happen as if by magic. Opportunities arise and people will just show up in our life that will help us reach our goal.

That is when some people will say to you that you were so lucky! The real truth will be: You were willing to take the first steps. It is not really so hard to get lucky.

Go ahead – be daring – take the steps towards your dream job – and then prepare to get lucky!

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

P.S. For more information see

Would you like help living your dream with your ideal career? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

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