Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Respond to life

Every day we get to decide how we will respond to everything that shows up in our lives.

If it is good stuff – well that is easy. But if it is: bad traffic, someone’s late, extra work, … (you can add to the list of possibilities) that can be different.

Really, we can react or we can respond to pretty well every situation. A reaction is what we don’t want – it is like when the doctor says you have a reaction to the medication he gave you – that is never good. You know, when someone hits you physically or verbally sometimes we might react without thinking and hurt that person and that is not really a good idea either. No one feels good after that.

A response though, is something we can choose. It usually means we take a minute to choose it. Taking a minute in most situations can be a good idea.

Of course we can also work on some immediate responses. For instance, when someone asks about our day we can have an automatic response of - it’s going fantastically well or awesome or great. That makes me feel good every time I respond like that. The bonus is, it causes me to focus on what is indeed fantastic, awesome or great about my day!

When we are focused on the good stuff with all our responses to our day, we can’t help but be well on our way to living our dream. In fact, maybe we have started living it already.

Neat eh, how such a small adjustment in a response can have such a big effect!

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

P.S. For more information see

Would you like some help practicing responses to events in your life so that it is easier to live all of your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

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