Friday, September 14, 2007

Are you in your ideal career?

If you need to work every day – are you doing something that you really enjoy? We spend a lot of time in our jobs not to enjoy ourselves at it. Imagine, how would it feel to enjoy it?

If your answer is that you love your job - I am so happy for you. It feels wonderful and rewarding doesn’t it? If your answer is that you hate your job - are you on your way to being able to do what you love?

Sometimes excuses can get in the way – do you have any?

There are many ways to make money doing what we love and many ways to make the transition from your current “just get by” job to your new “I love my day” job.

The first thing I would suggest you do is to give yourself permission to decide what you really want to be doing. How specific can you be in what you want? What does the change require? If you take away the excuses, can you see some little steps that could get you to your new dream job or career?

Would you be willing to start moving forward even if you can’t quite see how your end goal can be accomplished? You see, it is only in our desire and by our tentative first steps in the direction we want to go that our full “how” is often shown. Then it can seem like things happen as if by magic. Opportunities arise and people will just show up in our life that will help us reach our goal.

That is when some people will say to you that you were so lucky! The real truth will be: You were willing to take the first steps. It is not really so hard to get lucky.

Go ahead – be daring – take the steps towards your dream job – and then prepare to get lucky!

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

P.S. For more information see

Would you like help living your dream with your ideal career? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

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