Positive thoughts keep us in harmony with the universe.
Positive thoughts bring us all kinds of good things.
Positive thoughts uplift us.
Positive thoughts are the place new and wonderful ideas spring from.
Positive thoughts keep us on track for our dreams.
Those are big positives for some little positive thoughts. Everything happening has a positive side. We just need to look for it. In fact, positive thoughts can actually turn a negative into a positive. Just look for it.
There are a lot of good reasons to think positive thoughts today and every day.
So what will you be thinking about today?
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
What if life is an illusion?
What if our life is really an illusion created by our thoughts? What if the circumstances we find ourselves in are only our illusion? If we like what we are seeing and getting in life we can keep our current thoughts; but if we don’t like something we find in our lives, it means all we need to do is change our thoughts and we can change our reality. Now that is an empowering thought!
This brings us back to choice. What do you choose to create and experience in your life? Our thoughts can make it our reality. What are you focused on? Are you focused on what you want or what you don’t want?
When we focus on what we want, receiving and living our dream is a given. Enjoy them!
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
This brings us back to choice. What do you choose to create and experience in your life? Our thoughts can make it our reality. What are you focused on? Are you focused on what you want or what you don’t want?
When we focus on what we want, receiving and living our dream is a given. Enjoy them!
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The value of no
Yesterday my blog was about the new possibilities and excitement that can come into our life by saying yes to things. However a reader pointed out that there must also be value in saying no.
I wholeheartedly agree that there are definitely times when no is a very good word to use. Using the word no can free us up to do the things we want to do. It can free us up to be able to say yes to the very things that we want to be able to say yes to. It can even show us the dreams we really choose to live.
One thing to remember is that we always have a choice. How do we decide when it is best to say what? I would suggest that we need to go with our feelings.
When you are asked to do something, how does the idea of doing it make you feel? If it feels good then say yes! If it does not feel good to you, say no. Nothing good can come from something done with bad feelings. Does it seem like something you must say yes to? Then instead delegate it, pay someone else to do it or exchange for something you would rather do.
They are simple words when we learn how to really use them . . . yes thank you . . . no thank you. Simple words that will help us live our dreams. Play with them today.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
I wholeheartedly agree that there are definitely times when no is a very good word to use. Using the word no can free us up to do the things we want to do. It can free us up to be able to say yes to the very things that we want to be able to say yes to. It can even show us the dreams we really choose to live.
One thing to remember is that we always have a choice. How do we decide when it is best to say what? I would suggest that we need to go with our feelings.
When you are asked to do something, how does the idea of doing it make you feel? If it feels good then say yes! If it does not feel good to you, say no. Nothing good can come from something done with bad feelings. Does it seem like something you must say yes to? Then instead delegate it, pay someone else to do it or exchange for something you would rather do.
They are simple words when we learn how to really use them . . . yes thank you . . . no thank you. Simple words that will help us live our dreams. Play with them today.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
life coach,
life coaching,
Live your dreams,
Suzanne Marie Bandick,
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Yes man
Last night my husband and I went to see the movie, Yes Man with Jim Carrey. After attending a seminar, Carl (played by Jim Carrey) has to say yes to everything. The idea is that by saying yes to life wonderful opportunities are shown to us.
Carl finds himself taking guitar classes, learning Korean, taking flying lessons, and attending parties and concerts. Now without even knowing what happens in the movie we instinctively know that learning and trying new things has to be good for us right? It sounds like fun doesn’t it?
Is the idea a little scary? Maybe, but we can try it on more things right? If it sounds like a good thing to you, let’s make our own pact to say ‘yes’ to more things in life! I bet it leads to wonderful opportunities and ways to live our dreams.
Yes, yes, yes, all together now, let’s practice – yes!
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
Carl finds himself taking guitar classes, learning Korean, taking flying lessons, and attending parties and concerts. Now without even knowing what happens in the movie we instinctively know that learning and trying new things has to be good for us right? It sounds like fun doesn’t it?
Is the idea a little scary? Maybe, but we can try it on more things right? If it sounds like a good thing to you, let’s make our own pact to say ‘yes’ to more things in life! I bet it leads to wonderful opportunities and ways to live our dreams.
Yes, yes, yes, all together now, let’s practice – yes!
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
Monday, February 23, 2009
Want to play something different?
How does this game work?
We start by playing with our thoughts just for fun. How can we try something different?
As soon as we think - well this is the way it is done or it’s always this way, it is time to think about a change. Then we start playing with our activities. How can we make them different?
Let me give you some game playing ideas . . . How about eating dessert first . . . Lasagna for breakfast . . . Socks that don’t match . . . try reading some junk mail . . . read something different to what you would normally read . . . look at pictures upside down . . . try new foods . .
Do something you would not normally do or in a way that you would not normally do it.
Maybe our new thoughts or actions will open the door to some wild live your dreams inspirations. At the very least – it is bound to be fun!
What different things come to your mind?
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
We start by playing with our thoughts just for fun. How can we try something different?
As soon as we think - well this is the way it is done or it’s always this way, it is time to think about a change. Then we start playing with our activities. How can we make them different?
Let me give you some game playing ideas . . . How about eating dessert first . . . Lasagna for breakfast . . . Socks that don’t match . . . try reading some junk mail . . . read something different to what you would normally read . . . look at pictures upside down . . . try new foods . .
Do something you would not normally do or in a way that you would not normally do it.
Maybe our new thoughts or actions will open the door to some wild live your dreams inspirations. At the very least – it is bound to be fun!
What different things come to your mind?
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
coaching club,
life coach,
Live your dreams,
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Friday, February 20, 2009
When is the last day?
What would you do with today if you figured today was the last one you had? I know what a thought! So being the positive person I am, why even think it?
Because there is something we can learn in it. . . . Maybe we would choose that to the best of our abilities we would live each and every one of our days in a way that makes us happy.
If for some reason we can’t do what we have been dreaming of today then let’s plan it for soon. Let’s plan it for a day as soon as possible.
Yes we may need to do some things each day with our future in mind but let’s never sacrifice enjoying our now for our future. Let’s find the best way to have a happy blend of the two. That way we get to live dreams now as well as later.
So what are you planning for your day? It doesn’t have to be fancy; it just needs to make you happy.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
Because there is something we can learn in it. . . . Maybe we would choose that to the best of our abilities we would live each and every one of our days in a way that makes us happy.
If for some reason we can’t do what we have been dreaming of today then let’s plan it for soon. Let’s plan it for a day as soon as possible.
Yes we may need to do some things each day with our future in mind but let’s never sacrifice enjoying our now for our future. Let’s find the best way to have a happy blend of the two. That way we get to live dreams now as well as later.
So what are you planning for your day? It doesn’t have to be fancy; it just needs to make you happy.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
life coach,
Live your dreams,
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Why worry?
To worry or not – is that even in question?
In my book it is not very useful. It just ruins a perfectly good day.
What do you worry about?
Is the worry really necessary?
Will your worry change anything?
Let’s make decisions where we can and change the things we can and not worry about the rest. It is a far better idea to put positive thoughts toward anything we think could possibly be a worry in our lives anyway.
In fact, what if we think of life like a fun and possibly wild amusement ride?
We get on, we enjoy the thrill and we get off safe, saying wow what a ride!
Don’t let worry rob you of your dream life. No worry is needed, let’s just enjoy the ride!
It certainly makes for a better day, which in Law of Attraction terms has to be good.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
In my book it is not very useful. It just ruins a perfectly good day.
What do you worry about?
Is the worry really necessary?
Will your worry change anything?
Let’s make decisions where we can and change the things we can and not worry about the rest. It is a far better idea to put positive thoughts toward anything we think could possibly be a worry in our lives anyway.
In fact, what if we think of life like a fun and possibly wild amusement ride?
We get on, we enjoy the thrill and we get off safe, saying wow what a ride!
Don’t let worry rob you of your dream life. No worry is needed, let’s just enjoy the ride!
It certainly makes for a better day, which in Law of Attraction terms has to be good.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
coaching club,
life coach,
Live your dreams,
Suzanne Marie Bandick,
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Expect it
What do you expect to happen in your life?
Have you noticed that we usually get what we really expect?
Proof of this is when you hear yourself say – I knew it.
So what is the winning formula for expectation?
It is simple really. Expect only the best. Expect only good things.
In fact it may be a good idea to start your list now. Call it your ‘expectations list’.
You can list all the things, feelings and experiences that you choose for yourself. The next step is to go about finding the reasons that you are right. Find all the reasons that your expectations are accurate. Get yourself to the point that you really believe and expect them and voila, they will be yours.
Expect them and they will show up. Are they really good expectations? Did you list some of your dreams?
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
Have you noticed that we usually get what we really expect?
Proof of this is when you hear yourself say – I knew it.
So what is the winning formula for expectation?
It is simple really. Expect only the best. Expect only good things.
In fact it may be a good idea to start your list now. Call it your ‘expectations list’.
You can list all the things, feelings and experiences that you choose for yourself. The next step is to go about finding the reasons that you are right. Find all the reasons that your expectations are accurate. Get yourself to the point that you really believe and expect them and voila, they will be yours.
Expect them and they will show up. Are they really good expectations? Did you list some of your dreams?
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
Monday, February 16, 2009
The Feeling of Dreams
Ask yourself: How will living my dreams make me feel?
List your dreams or think about your dreams. Then ask yourself …. How will achieving, having, and living my dreams make me feel? I bet words and emotions are already coming to mind.
Really put yourself in the feeling place of living and enjoying your dreams. When we can start to create that feeling in our lives even before we have the full dream – that makes the whole dream come even faster!
What things can you start to do for yourself now that will reinforce that great feeling?
Put yourself in that feeling space whenever you talk about, write about, and think about your dreams because it helps the inspirations flow and the magic happen.
The more our dreams become a feeling space the closer we are to having them.
Can you feel them?
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com
List your dreams or think about your dreams. Then ask yourself …. How will achieving, having, and living my dreams make me feel? I bet words and emotions are already coming to mind.
Really put yourself in the feeling place of living and enjoying your dreams. When we can start to create that feeling in our lives even before we have the full dream – that makes the whole dream come even faster!
What things can you start to do for yourself now that will reinforce that great feeling?
Put yourself in that feeling space whenever you talk about, write about, and think about your dreams because it helps the inspirations flow and the magic happen.
The more our dreams become a feeling space the closer we are to having them.
Can you feel them?
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com
Friday, February 13, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day

How about starting with love for you?
Today and every day give the gift of love to you.
Give yourself unconditional love always.
Give yourself the big and little presents of self love.
Love yourself and all the many facets of you.
The love starts there and can then envelop your world.
Happy loving on Valentine’s Day and every day.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Life's beautiful moments
Life is full of beautiful and precious moments.
Are you noticing them? Are you remembering to look for them?
Are you missing any happening now by living in the past?
Are you missing any by living too much for the future?
We can plan for and enjoy anticipating our future but it would be best if we do not do it at the expense of not paying attention to the beauty in our now.
Our life is full of beautiful and precious moments.
Look for them. They are the path to our dreams.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
Are you noticing them? Are you remembering to look for them?
Are you missing any happening now by living in the past?
Are you missing any by living too much for the future?
We can plan for and enjoy anticipating our future but it would be best if we do not do it at the expense of not paying attention to the beauty in our now.
Our life is full of beautiful and precious moments.
Look for them. They are the path to our dreams.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
I am at the beach
Everything else is on hold because . . . I will be at the beach.
Just the sand and surf on my toes and the feel of the sun on my skin.
A cool and refreshing limeade made with sparkling water in my hand.
When is the last time you took a day off and played?
Plan your play day soon. Make it a day with nothing in mind but to have fun. Make it a day to look forward to and one to remember. We want to remember how fun it was because fun days should be repeated as often as possible. We can do different things but the goal is to shed worries and responsibilities for one day at a time and just have fun.
Take a moment and think about what your fun day would be like. Is anyone with you? What will you do or not do? What will you wear? What will you eat? Or will it all just be spontaneous?
It may be a little hard for you to do at first but just like with anything else a little practice and you will be a pro at fun days. Now that is something to look forward to.
So, what does your fun day look like? Better prep the note for your door and your answering machine message. . . . . Gone for Fun.
Now in my book, that is what life is all about. Let me know if you bump into any of your dreams.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
coaching club,
fun day,
life coach,
Live your dreams,
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Every day is a new day
It is fun to look for things in our new day. There is no use looking at yesterday because that is all old news and boring now. It is much more exciting to look at today and what it may bring us.
What do you choose to see in this day? What do you choose to look for?
Chances are you will find in this day whatever you choose to look for.
Are you looking for something happy or exciting to happen? Are you looking for a surprise? Are you looking for fun and beauty? Are you looking for short lines ups, courteous drivers and close parking spaces? If chances are that we are going to find what we are looking for, then it makes sense to look for good things doesn’t it?
Whatever we are looking for creates our focus. Then we are using the Law of Attraction to our advantage again. Frankly, I love the added help. And who knows, our focus during this brand new day might even guide us to one of our dreams. Look for it!
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
What do you choose to see in this day? What do you choose to look for?
Chances are you will find in this day whatever you choose to look for.
Are you looking for something happy or exciting to happen? Are you looking for a surprise? Are you looking for fun and beauty? Are you looking for short lines ups, courteous drivers and close parking spaces? If chances are that we are going to find what we are looking for, then it makes sense to look for good things doesn’t it?
Whatever we are looking for creates our focus. Then we are using the Law of Attraction to our advantage again. Frankly, I love the added help. And who knows, our focus during this brand new day might even guide us to one of our dreams. Look for it!
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
Monday, February 9, 2009
What pizza would you like?
So what does pizza have to do with living your dreams?
We are going to use it as a metaphor for what we choose in our lives.
When you order a slice of pizza you choose it with the toppings you want to eat right? If on occasion you get stuck sharing one with someone else and they have ordered a pizza with stuff on it that you don’t like – admit it – you just pick off the toppings you don’t like. We might utter yuck – don’t like those – remove them and then don’t think about it again.
Our life can be lived the same way. Let’s pretend for a moment that our life is like our slice of pizza – we can choose what we want in it or on it and we can choose to leave the things we do not want off. So what if someone else likes olives? We don’t need to eat them on our pizza!
Choose the things you want in your life and discard the rest. No need to protest, no need to complain – simply choose what you want. When we focus only on what we like – life can look pretty good. You might even say yummy!
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
We are going to use it as a metaphor for what we choose in our lives.
When you order a slice of pizza you choose it with the toppings you want to eat right? If on occasion you get stuck sharing one with someone else and they have ordered a pizza with stuff on it that you don’t like – admit it – you just pick off the toppings you don’t like. We might utter yuck – don’t like those – remove them and then don’t think about it again.
Our life can be lived the same way. Let’s pretend for a moment that our life is like our slice of pizza – we can choose what we want in it or on it and we can choose to leave the things we do not want off. So what if someone else likes olives? We don’t need to eat them on our pizza!
Choose the things you want in your life and discard the rest. No need to protest, no need to complain – simply choose what you want. When we focus only on what we like – life can look pretty good. You might even say yummy!
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
Friday, February 6, 2009
Choose your words
This ties in with yesterday’s blog ‘who are you?’
Pick the words (feelings) that are most important to you in your life.
These words (feelings) will not only define who you are, they will define your year and possibly your life.
Here are some idea words to get you started. Harmony, health, peace, joy, love, serenity, laughter, smiles, family, happiness, calm, pleasure . . . .
Pick your words and then approach everything you do, every invitation you accept, every person you meet, every thought you think, every word you utter, and every event in your life with those words in mind.
If you don’t feel them – don’t do it, don’t say it, and don’t think it. Use your chosen words as a way to create your chosen life and the path to live your dreams.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
Pick the words (feelings) that are most important to you in your life.
These words (feelings) will not only define who you are, they will define your year and possibly your life.
Here are some idea words to get you started. Harmony, health, peace, joy, love, serenity, laughter, smiles, family, happiness, calm, pleasure . . . .
Pick your words and then approach everything you do, every invitation you accept, every person you meet, every thought you think, every word you utter, and every event in your life with those words in mind.
If you don’t feel them – don’t do it, don’t say it, and don’t think it. Use your chosen words as a way to create your chosen life and the path to live your dreams.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Who are you?
To really answer the question ‘who are you?’ let’s go beyond your name, your job, or your label in your family. What do you choose to proclaim yourself as?
This is who you truly are – or who you choose to be - inside. It is not a label, it is the feelings you choose live by and to project.
Are you love, health, peace, joy, confidence, wealth, or a combination of those or other qualities?
Once you have chosen; how can you express who you truly are? You can express who you truly are through your words and your actions.
What happens when we do this consciously? We start to get more of the very things we value. Who we are being will always come back to us. The world is like a mirror reflecting back everything we are. The very thing we want more of in our lives, can start with us.
Is expressing who you are part of your dream? Express who you are. It leads to your dream.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
This is who you truly are – or who you choose to be - inside. It is not a label, it is the feelings you choose live by and to project.
Are you love, health, peace, joy, confidence, wealth, or a combination of those or other qualities?
Once you have chosen; how can you express who you truly are? You can express who you truly are through your words and your actions.
What happens when we do this consciously? We start to get more of the very things we value. Who we are being will always come back to us. The world is like a mirror reflecting back everything we are. The very thing we want more of in our lives, can start with us.
Is expressing who you are part of your dream? Express who you are. It leads to your dream.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
coaching club,
life coach,
life coaching,
Live your dreams,
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Let your sparkle light the world
What lights you up?
What gets you excited?
What makes you feel good?
What are you passionate about?
Those are a part of your unique sparkle.
The world needs sparklers. So let your sparkle shine. Think about – and/or do – and/or share
. . . what lights you up, what gets you excited, what makes you feel good and what you are passionate about.
Sounds like a good way to be living a dream to me.
Sparkle . . . Sparkle . . . Sparkle . . . . . . . . . ooh!
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
What gets you excited?
What makes you feel good?
What are you passionate about?
Those are a part of your unique sparkle.
The world needs sparklers. So let your sparkle shine. Think about – and/or do – and/or share
. . . what lights you up, what gets you excited, what makes you feel good and what you are passionate about.
Sounds like a good way to be living a dream to me.
Sparkle . . . Sparkle . . . Sparkle . . . . . . . . . ooh!
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
You are unlimited
Your reality is unlimited, and ever expanding.
You are a part of the universe.
You are as big, bold, powerful and delightful as the universe.
You are infinite, unlimited, and ever expanding.
Can you feel even a little of your power?
You can have and create anything for your life that you choose. What do you choose?
Think about it now because if you focus your amazing power on it, tomorrow it is yours.
You are really so infinite, unlimited, powerful, playful and ever expanding.
Have fun with it in your life.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
You are a part of the universe.
You are as big, bold, powerful and delightful as the universe.
You are infinite, unlimited, and ever expanding.
Can you feel even a little of your power?
You can have and create anything for your life that you choose. What do you choose?
Think about it now because if you focus your amazing power on it, tomorrow it is yours.
You are really so infinite, unlimited, powerful, playful and ever expanding.
Have fun with it in your life.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
Monday, February 2, 2009
What if everything is perfect?
What if everything in our world is perfect?
What if all is exactly as it should be?
What if everything that we think is not perfect really is?
Maybe it is perfect simply because it gives us the ability to live our dreams, or the opportunity to choose our dreams, or maybe it makes a perfect starting point for living our dreams. Take your pick.
Play with the thought for awhile and see if you can find the perfection in your life.
My bet is if we look for the perfection in our lives, we will find it.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
What if all is exactly as it should be?
What if everything that we think is not perfect really is?
Maybe it is perfect simply because it gives us the ability to live our dreams, or the opportunity to choose our dreams, or maybe it makes a perfect starting point for living our dreams. Take your pick.
Play with the thought for awhile and see if you can find the perfection in your life.
My bet is if we look for the perfection in our lives, we will find it.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You can join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
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