Thursday, July 2, 2009

Quest to feel good

Sometimes we can hit a thought that just does not feel good. No matter what we try, we just can’t seem to find a way around it. We want to turn it into something positive but the negative thought wants to stay in our head. Have you ever been there?

The good news is that there is a fairly simple way around this …..

If you can’t find the thought to feel better about something specific – just change what you are thinking about all together. Change your thought to something that feels good and leave the other behind (at least for now). Feel good thoughts of any kind still attract whatever we desire.

So we get what we desire and the bonus is that perhaps our feel bad thought will even disappear because it really wasn’t of importance after all.

So, don’t like the thought? Change the thought!
A quest to only feel good will lead us right into our dream life.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.

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I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

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