Friday, March 30, 2007

Catch Your Heart

"There are many things in life that will catch your eye,
but only a few will catch your heart. Pursue these."

~ Michael Nolan

That is my thought for you this Friday. Live the dreams that catch your heart. What could be more right than that?

May you have an outstanding weekend!

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Freely Dream

Yes, yes, yes! One of the most important things you can do in life is to - freely dream about all the things you would like and all the things you would like to do and accomplish in life. What are your goals, your aspirations, and your dreams?

Take note of them because those are all the things and activities and results that mean success in life to you. There are little ones and big ones and and all are important in your life. Can you imagine how it would feel to not achieve these? No, No, let's not even go there - it will feel much better to achieve them. Now the question is only where to start?

May you enjoy the adventure of living your dreams!

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Monday, March 26, 2007

Live your Bliss

Live your bliss - follow your bliss - follow your passion - do what you love to do!

Does it feel like it requires you to jump across a very deep ravine? Is it a scary jump for you? Would you be taking a leap of faith?

Well, what feels better: staying where you currently are or moving in the direction of the place you want to be? What good does it do you to play safe if you are unhappy?

Maybe your first steps are to research, to ask questions, to write a plan ........

By taking the first steps you might find a bridge appears and you never have to take that scary flying leap after all. I bet it will feel quite wonderful to stand in that new place - and look at how easy it turned out to be!

Live your bliss - live all your dreams! It may turn out to be easier than you thought.

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Friday, March 23, 2007

Achieving Success

"Those who achieve success are those who take a dream and make it come true."

That comes from a poster showing someone who has climbed to the top of a mountain. Can you imagine that feeling?

Now I don't really want to physically climb that mountain, although to some that is the dream ~ but we all should know that feeling of accomplishment - of reaching a goal - of achieving a dream. It always feels pretty awesome doesn't it?

Sometimes we did not even know how we would get there - but we did.

When you define your dream - when you choose what success means to you and then you go after it with all your being .......... universal forces and people you do not even yet know will show up in your life to help you achieve it. So it's OK, even if it's a BIG dream because you never do it alone.

Each time you achieve one of your dreams you can celebrate and enjoy that top of the mountain feeling.

Go ahead and live lots of dreams! What are you waiting for? I'm cheering for you along with many others you may be surprised to find.

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Thought for today ....

Remember this ................Every great achievement was once only a dream!

Yes, that is why our dreams are so important! Where would we be without the worlds great dreamers? No air travel, no electricity to run our air conditioners and blow dryers and probably no cold meatloaf sandwiches.

Go ahead and dare to live your dreams and maybe you will improve the world too. Maybe one great sandwich at a time.

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Reality or Dreams?

Abraham - Hicks makes the following statement:

Spend more time focused upon your dream than upon the reality. The reality gives birth to the dream - but the dream is where you are wanting to put your attention.

Why? What?

Because by the Law of Attraction - what you focus on you get more of. So we have a choice; focus on a current reality that maybe we do not like and get more of that or focus on the dream we love and attract that.

I think that makes the choice easy - focus on that dream!

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Monday, March 19, 2007

Make your dream more dominant than your fears

If you can concentrate on your dream enough, you can make your dream more dominant in your thoughts than the fears you have of achieving it. Then your dream can really happen!

This past weekend I got into Marc Allen's book "The Millionaire Course." The following is a quote from this book.

"A dream seems so ethereal, insubstantial, and can so easily be forgotten - yet when a dream is remembered often enough, it has a way of becoming more substantial than all your doubts and fears about it. At some point along the way, that ephemeral dream can become a lasting intention - and then doors open, opportunities arise, you take the next obvious step and, in its own perfect time, your dream becomes a reality."

I could not have said it better. Aren't you glad I read so much?

Live that dream!

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Friday, March 16, 2007

Your dream and the Law of Attraction

What do you really desire in your life?

Make a list of all the things, relationships and activities you want to have and experience in your life. Then choose to have and experience them - choose one to start or choose them all - maybe some are interconnected or will naturally occur by achieving one. That is a neat thought isn't it?

Now, let's just cover some basic or starting points for using the Law of Attraction in your life:

Step #1 is to choose what you want to have in your life.

Step #2 is to believe and expect you can have it - know it is yours simply because you chose it. I know that is the hard one but if you can't believe you can have it how can you get it and keep it? One idea may be to look for others that have it - that helps belief in the possibility that you can have it too.

Step #3 is to relax and allow it to show up in your life. The how or who is not your job. This is where you need to listen or watch for the inspirations, the thoughts, and the guidance of what actions (if any) you need to take to get what you desire. Relax and allow and they will come to you.

Will the actions be hard? Never. If it seems hard you have to stop because chances are you are not following your ever knowing inner guidance to achieve what you have chosen.

Try it with little things to start to gain confidence - soon you will be the one saying Wow! I like this! Don't forget to keep me posted!

Live those dreams!

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. Just as one example - ask me how I changed my relationship with my teenage daughter from struggle to something beautiful without even talking to her about it. Yep, it works on relationships too.

For more information see

Monday, March 12, 2007

To Dream or not to Dream

Do I allow myself to dream about things I would like to have and do or do I not allow myself to dream about them? That may well be the question we all need to ask.

We can look at each dream separately so we can see what real feelings come up with each one.

Let's see, if we bury this dream or inspiration - that may be safer and less stressful. Do we want more reasons not to dream? Here are a few: we may feel foolish, too old, too young, too fat, too skinny, that dream may be hard to attain, we don't know how to do it, what will people think ....... it may be easier to go with the same flow that so many others are - everyone else seems happy where they are - why should we want more or different? Yes, if we bury our dreams maybe we don't have to think about them - we can go on just the way we have been.

What if we don't bury this dream though? What would the rewards be if we acknowledged this dream or inspiration and gave it life?

Maybe we would find feelings of freedom, satisfaction, a better life, a more exciting life, a more fulfilling life, a passion, fun, confidence, more money, more pleasure ...........the list is endless.

The bottom line should always be - how does it make you feel? How will you feel in the long run? Do you feel better burying it or pursuing it? The call is always ours because we have the choice.

If you choose to pursue and ultimately live that dream - go ahead and do it - dare to be wild and live with passion! We do deserve it all you know.

Listen, people are saying "wow" already.

Keep me posted!

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Dare to Dream

Life's possibilities are limited only by what we think they are.

Stop. Pause and think about that statement for a minute ........ OK, ready?

So, if we can change our thought we release the limitation and open our lives to more possibilities? Yes, I think that is the truth too.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A reminder: One of the things I offer is a 3 month introductory "Live Your Dreams" playshop where you can learn to live all your dreams in an easy and relaxed way using the Law of Attraction in your life. I had the inspiration last night to offer this session free to certain people - just ask me for details on how you can get 3 months of coaching for free!

Live that dream!

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Always have a Dream

If you don't have a dream, how are you ever going to make it come true?

Where will be the cheers that you managed to accomplish it? How can you congratulate yourself? Oh, the parties you will miss!

We all need something in our lives to aim for - something to dream about. That is what gets us up in the morning with a feeling of joyful anticipation. That is a great feeling isn't it?

I bet you might be worried about what will happen when you achieve the dream you currently have - then what will you get up for? Not to worry - we always have a new dream waiting - the procession of dreams we have will never end and that is the joy in life - when we achieve something we get to celebrate and then choose a new goal - a new dream and we get to have fun achieving that. After all a lot of the fun is in the achieving. You know it.

Ooh, what will be next for you?

Go ahead and live that dream! May you have fun pursuing and living all your dreams.

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Monday, March 5, 2007

Picture Perfect

Picture your dreams in every detail and you are well on your way to achieving them. How easy can it get?

In fact, did you know that something can be as much as 99% manifested in your life before you ever take any action to move towards it? You can achieve this simply by using the proper techniques of envisioning it in your mind.

So picture those dreams in your mind - the more vivid and detailed the better. Make up a collage of pictures of what you see for yourself. Maybe live on the wild side and do both!

On many occasions I have pictured something I wanted so clearly that I actually walked into it in real life. It is like writing, directing and staring in your own movie. Now that is a great feeling!

What do we learn from this? Picture those dreams to live those dreams!

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Friday, March 2, 2007

When fears get in the way of our dreams

Believe it or not, our fears can be major obstacles to our ability to live our grandest dreams. Oh come on, you know you've had a few gently tap you on the shoulder now and then. We all have them from time to time - and there is no shame in that even if we have read all the self help books and know all about the Law of Attraction.

Here are some of the top dream stealer's:

- being afraid to fail.
- being afraid that if we commit, for whatever reason we may not see it through.
- being afraid to choose the wrong path.
- being afraid we can't make it happen.

The first step is to identify our fears - that's often easy if we just listen to that little gremlin talking in our ear. He'll even give you a detailed list. Usually when our fears are written down and examined we can manage them far better and figure out how best to deal with them. If you need help working through any of them - just call on your favorite life coach.

Don't let a gremlin sabotage your dream. Just tell him, "Thank you for sharing, now step aside" and then go on to live every one of those grand dreams! Imagine how good it will feel to say, "I told you I could do it!"

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

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