Monday, March 5, 2007

Picture Perfect

Picture your dreams in every detail and you are well on your way to achieving them. How easy can it get?

In fact, did you know that something can be as much as 99% manifested in your life before you ever take any action to move towards it? You can achieve this simply by using the proper techniques of envisioning it in your mind.

So picture those dreams in your mind - the more vivid and detailed the better. Make up a collage of pictures of what you see for yourself. Maybe live on the wild side and do both!

On many occasions I have pictured something I wanted so clearly that I actually walked into it in real life. It is like writing, directing and staring in your own movie. Now that is a great feeling!

What do we learn from this? Picture those dreams to live those dreams!

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

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