Monday, March 19, 2007

Make your dream more dominant than your fears

If you can concentrate on your dream enough, you can make your dream more dominant in your thoughts than the fears you have of achieving it. Then your dream can really happen!

This past weekend I got into Marc Allen's book "The Millionaire Course." The following is a quote from this book.

"A dream seems so ethereal, insubstantial, and can so easily be forgotten - yet when a dream is remembered often enough, it has a way of becoming more substantial than all your doubts and fears about it. At some point along the way, that ephemeral dream can become a lasting intention - and then doors open, opportunities arise, you take the next obvious step and, in its own perfect time, your dream becomes a reality."

I could not have said it better. Aren't you glad I read so much?

Live that dream!

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

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