Friday, March 2, 2007

When fears get in the way of our dreams

Believe it or not, our fears can be major obstacles to our ability to live our grandest dreams. Oh come on, you know you've had a few gently tap you on the shoulder now and then. We all have them from time to time - and there is no shame in that even if we have read all the self help books and know all about the Law of Attraction.

Here are some of the top dream stealer's:

- being afraid to fail.
- being afraid that if we commit, for whatever reason we may not see it through.
- being afraid to choose the wrong path.
- being afraid we can't make it happen.

The first step is to identify our fears - that's often easy if we just listen to that little gremlin talking in our ear. He'll even give you a detailed list. Usually when our fears are written down and examined we can manage them far better and figure out how best to deal with them. If you need help working through any of them - just call on your favorite life coach.

Don't let a gremlin sabotage your dream. Just tell him, "Thank you for sharing, now step aside" and then go on to live every one of those grand dreams! Imagine how good it will feel to say, "I told you I could do it!"

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

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