Monday, January 18, 2010

Focus on what?

What do we desire to see in our lives?
We should focus on that.

What is the use of focusing on anything else when we know we will simply get more of whatever we focus on?

Maybe there are things in the world in general we are not happy with.
How will we best help? If we focus on the problem or if we focus on what we can do?
What if the best we can think of to do is hold positive or good thoughts? Hold them.
Sometimes that may be all that is needed.
Whatever we do – we must keep the focus on what we desire.

Maybe there are things in our own personal life that we are not happy with.
How can we best change what we are not happy with in our life?
By our focus on how not good it is or by focusing on what we do desire for our lives?
Our best option is to focus on what we desire.

Choosing and maintaining our focus ultimately leads to living our dreams.
Doesn’t the world and our life feel like it is getting rosier already?

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.

One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.

I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

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