Monday, May 7, 2007

Find happiness now for an even better future

No matter where we currently stand, we all have goals, aspirations and more things that we want from life. That is and always be a part of our human existence. It is always OK to choose to have more in our life - we deserve lots of good stuff.

So what is a good way to achieve all these goals, dreams and wants that we have?

My suggestion is to start by giving thanks and appreciation for exactly where we are now in our life because it is setting us up perfectly for the future we want. No matter where we currently stand, if we can find a way to be happy with where we are now, we can attract and create our chosen future with much more ease.

Even on those days when we feel like we are standing in a pit full of mud; we need to realize that for whatever reason we needed to be in this pit full of mud because it will help us to create the future we do want. It will also make a really great story to tell when we are living our dreams!

Let's find our happiness in our now and enjoy it as we anticipate our happiness and joy yet to come! Wow - what a great life!

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

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