Sunday, August 26, 2007

What is your attention on?

Is your attention on living the fabulous life of your dreams? What does that look like? What are you doing? Where are you living? Where are you holidaying? What are you eating? Who is with you? Oh it looks so exciting!

You’re not thinking of bills to be paid, a job you hate, loneliness, or anything else that is less than pleasing to you are you? I know we can have all of these things and more at any given time in our lives, but the idea is not to focus on them – because we really know they are only temporary situations right?

Do we want to focus on what we don’t like and get more? Or shall we choose to focus on what we really want and bring that into our lives? Yes, whatever we are putting our attention on, is what we are attracting to us. That is the Law of Attraction yet again.

Let’s put our attention on what we want no matter what is going on in our life.
What? You want to live your dream? Then you will!

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Would you like help focusing on your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

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