Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Enjoy down days

A down day or a down moment is not a bad thing. Give yourself permission to enjoy it.
If we didn’t have moments when we felt less than good how could we appreciate feeling good?

Whenever you are feeling less than upbeat here is my suggestion …
Notice the feeling. Even allow the feeling.
Appreciate the feeling for what it is. It means we are alive.

Now decide if you are ready to change the feeling or want to hold onto it a little longer. It is always our choice.

When you are ready to change your feeling or mood – simply start thinking about something that makes you feel good. Anything goes here! Pick any good thoughts about anything.

Think a pleasant thought and it becomes another and then another.
You will now begin to feel better and better.
Good feeling thoughts are an instant pick me up. (So is dancing by the way)

There is nothing wrong with down moments or even down days. It’s how we think of them and respond to them that makes the real difference. There is nothing good or bad – only our thoughts make it so.

So whenever you feel like it – enjoy a down day so you can really appreciate a great day!

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

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