Thursday, October 29, 2009

Meditation - Is it for you?

For me, meditation is all about having a few moments of stillness.
Maybe it is to take a few moments and find stillness several times throughout the day.
Our mind races with billions of thoughts in every minute.
How can we enjoy our day and this moment if we have a billion thoughts racing around our head? Meditation helps with this.

How would you like to feel just a little more focused?
Stop and meditate for a few moments several times in your day.
Stop and center yourself. That’s meditation.
Clear your mind. That’s meditation.

How well does it work? Well how often can you do it?
We don’t need a special spot to meditate we just need to remember to stop for a few minutes wherever we are, whatever we are doing. Breathe in and breathe out consciously.
You will find yourself feeling more refreshed, energized and focused.

Living our dream is not about entertaining a billion thoughts at one time.
Living our dream is about enjoying each moment in our lives – focusing on the things that are important to us and leaving the rest for someone else to enjoy.
We can experience many of our dreams with a just a little meditation.
Powerful and easy isn’t it?

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.

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One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.

I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

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