Thursday, October 8, 2009

Unpack your baggage

What baggage you say?
The baggage you are carting around in your head and on your shoulders!
It’s the worries, the thoughts, the regrets, and the angers that don’t have to be there.

Sometimes this baggage can get pretty heavy. In fact it can cause us to feel tired, lethargic or irritable and we don’t even realize why we feel that way because our baggage has been too heavy for too long.

It may be time to unpack that incident with Aunt Bettrina … and Cousin Timboy … and also what your co-worker or spouse said this morning … who really cares? How important is it really in the scheme of things?

And while you are at it, you might as well unpack the guilt of the things you figure you said or should have said, did or didn’t do because none of it matters. Do whatever you feel you need to do in the present to bring yourself peace.

You have just unpacked a lot of baggage you’ve been carrying.
Are you feeling lighter now?
You should because that was a lot of weight on you that is now unloaded.

Remember the signs and unpack your bags sooner next time okay?
Life is much easier and way more fun when we travel light.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

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