You know how good you feel after attending a motivational seminar? How empowered you feel? Then after awhile - maybe a few days or a few weeks - the feeling dissipates and things seem to go back to normal in your life?
How good do you think it would feel to not have to go back to that normal feeling? How would you like to always feel the power to create amazing things in your life? How would you like to actually be shown the way? How would it feel to have that uplifting feeling that you can do anything every day?
That feeling and that empowerment is what my new “Live Your Dreams Coaching Club” is all about. It takes us beyond the power of one to accomplish things and uses group synergy so that we are all empowered to achieve all of our wonderful dreams.
I have made the foundation ready for you. It will forever be a creation in process based on you and your needs. How special is that? Something focused on you and your needs. I invite you to be a part of the process and create the coaching club of your dreams. Together we will make it great. Amazingly it will be exactly what you were looking for.
You will learn not to be surprised when everything seems to turn out exactly as you wanted. Living a dream feels wonderful! We deserve to live all of our dreams!
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
For more information see http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
Would you like some help to live your dreams in 2008? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. There is even a new eCourse available on my site! Live your dream!
Join the Live Your Dreams Coaching Club!
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