Friday, March 14, 2008

Where can gratitude take us?

How far can gratitude go?

Gratitude can go beyond us just feeling grateful.
We can tell people of our gratitude for them.
I appreciate you because _________. Thank you.
I am happy to have you in my life.

We can show people our gratitude.
What nice thing can we do for someone to show our gratitude today?
I baked my husband his favorite cookies yesterday even though they are time consuming to make. I told him it was because I was grateful to have him in my life and I appreciate everything he does for our family. Today he is taking me to lunch.

Simple and often amazing things can happen when we share our gratitude.
I believe gratitude can give us the best of life.
To feel and show gratitude makes me feel like I am living my dream now.

Some things are just best shared.
Go ahead share some gratitude today.

P.S. - Thank you for reading my blog. I am truly grateful for you.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

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