Thursday, April 10, 2008

No worries

Eckhart Tolle in his newest book, A New Earth, says that worry only pretends to be necessary.
I believe that he is right.
Do we ever really solve or accomplish anything when we worry?
Does our simply worrying change anything?
Most of the time what we worry about never even happens anyway!
So why worry?

We can always choose to fill our head with other more positive thoughts.
We can decide not to worry.
If we feel like we should worry, we could just affirm good things instead.
Yes, I can affirm that all goes well.
Does a worrisome thought give us an idea for some positive action? Okay let’s pursue the positive action and leave the worry behind.

Can you feel any worries you may have subsiding or transforming? Yes!

Besides, I don’t think anybody ever got to their dream by worrying.
Worry only pretends to be necessary.
Bye worry. Now on to those dreams!

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

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