I am making it available until Dec. 31st for only $100 for a whole year. It is also an easy $9.95 a month should you prefer that option.
One whole year of Live Your Dreams inspiration in the form of a live group coaching call every two weeks (best – they are recorded if anyone’s schedule does not permit them to be on live), there is also a full set of written notes on each call, Monday morning live your dreams inspiration tips, and access to myself, Suzanne Marie Bandick for questions, as well as access to a group forum anytime for questions and inspiration.
Here is what just a few club members are saying:
Hi Suzanne, you’re wonderful - did you know that? Your last two calls were very helpful for me. They are helping me find my direction. Your call notes are also very helpful in sorting out my thoughts and I am going to print them off and write in my answers as this week goes along... who knows what I might come up with!! :o) Peace and Joy to everyone. Karry
Suzanne you are a found treasure because you have opened so many possibilities for me. I am so much happier and balanced and I have learned to dream again! Marta
Does that sound like something a friend or family member could use right now? What a fantastic gift it could make. In fact, it could make their year and yours! Life can be easy and joyous! Let’s spread that around.
PS. If you are not already a member you could put it on your wish list too.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Now you can join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. Join a club that can empower you daily for only $9.95 a month!
Special: Only $100 for a full year of access! That's a special gift for yourself or a friend.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.
For more information see http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
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