Monday, December 8, 2008

Extend a hand

This time of year and all year long – where can you give?

Can you give a kind word? Can you give a hug? Can you give a friendly wave? Can you open a door for someone? Can you give a smile? Can you let someone in front of you in traffic? Can you offer your help? How many people could you extend a little courtesy to in your day?

Giving does not always have to be about money or bought presents. It does not even have to take a lot of thought – it is often acting on the first good thought that comes to mind. The fact is that whatever is given from the heart is appreciated most of all.

Giving like this can change a world. The goodwill spreads and before you know it is coming back to you in so many ways from so many directions you can’t keep track. The appropriate words here are thank you - thank you - thank you. Welcome to some of your dreams.

Oh, and thank you for being you.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

By the way, to hear this recorded in my own voice go here.

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