Monday, January 12, 2009

Allowing our dreams

What if everything we ever imagined choosing for our lives has actually always been a part of us? We don’t need to chase after it because it already lies within us dormant waiting only to be summoned. What if we never really have to go looking for anything we desire? What if all we have to do is allow it to be a part of our lives?

Whatever our dream is – health, wealth, great lifestyle, gorgeous body . . . (please add all the things you choose here) it is already with us. It is not out there somewhere – it is in here – in us.

So how do we allow our desires to exist when they are already a part of us but we have not experienced them yet? We go within.

We go to that feeling place of being or having what we are choosing. We tap into what perfect health is to us, we tap into what great wealth feels like. By repeatedly going within soon we won’t just feel it, we will become it and when we become it – it will manifest easily into our life because it was with us all the time. It is who we are. We just forgot to allow it.

We would not be chasing our dreams but allowing our dreams. That thought feels good doesn’t it? Nothing in life needs to be hard unless we want it to be. I choose easy and I am tapping into my feeling and knowing that life is easy right now and amazingly (haha) so it is!

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.

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