Monday, January 5, 2009

Looking for the good in people

Let’s put our focus on only thinking and speaking good thoughts about others.

People have chosen to live their lives in many different ways for many different reasons. None of it should matter to us because we have our own lives to live.

I have found the following is a very good way to live my life …..
No comparing – no competing – no labeling - and no judging.

A simple rule is, if it does not empower – don’t say it. If you are thinking it and you realize that it is not empowering – try to change the thought to something more empowering.

When we realize that we get back what we give out (Law of Attraction) – it makes the choice of what we think and say about others easy.

This week you can mentally list all the good things you find in the people around you.
It is amazing what happens in our lives when we are always looking for the good things about the people we encounter in our day!

We can make a difference in our lives as well as other people’s lives – one good thought at a time. And when you have something good to say – by all means say it!

Looking for the positive and good in others always helps us live our dreams. It is a frame of mind.

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.

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