Friday, March 6, 2009

Clean out the clutter

When we clean up the physical clutter in our life we remove what we no longer need and make room for new and wonderful things to come into our life. It works the same way for our mental clutter!

Start with the physical stuff. What are you holding onto that you no longer need? Why has it been important? Are there things you can give away, sell or even throw out? How would you feel if you did that? If “fresh start” comes to mind – do it!

Our mental clutter can hold us back in the same way as our physical clutter does. It ties us to the past and often does not allow us to move forward. You might want to do a cleansing ritual of some kind if you have thoughts or stories from the past that no longer serve you. Here is an idea: write it out or find a symbol of the thoughts you are ready to release and then ….. you can set it on fire and watch it disappear in the smoke, let it float away on the wind attached to a balloon or sail it away down the river … what are you inspired to do to cleanse?

Often we don’t even realize the weight of what we keep with us until we start to let it go – as we let it go we feel lighter and gain a sense of more freedom.

What are you inspired to clear out of your life?

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life

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