Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Limiting beliefs can hit the road

Boy we really become attached to our beliefs don’t we? Whether they are good for us or not, whether we like them or not, we really seem to try to keep them. Maybe it is an ego thing to prove we must be right. Whatever it is we want to hold on to those suckers. They are our beliefs and we want to claim ownership. It is like they are our security. We will often even fight to keep them. Wow do they ever seem powerful.

But we are more powerful. We can choose to change those beliefs any time we feel like it. We just need to see that whatever we are thinking or saying is belief. If we really like it - good we can keep it. However, if we don’t like it and how it makes us feel - then we can consciously decide to replace it. We are always free to replace old beliefs with new ones anytime we choose. It is in our power.

Do you want to shake things up? Do you want to take back your power? Here is an idea - write down an old belief that no longer serves you (so it is very clear in black and white) and then write down the new belief that you choose to replace that old, non serving belief. Is what you have written for a new belief believable to you? If not, adjust it until it is. Now focus on your new belief and you will automatically end up looking for the proof that you are again right.

Go ahead shake off those limiting beliefs. Do you really want to fight to protect those? I’m reminded of the song: Hit the road jack and don’t you come back no more – no more. Like the suit of black goo in Spiderman 3. It has to come off so we can live a better life.

Bye, bye limiting beliefs – you serve me no longer. Now let’s focus on those dreams shall we?

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

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