Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Power of our Thoughts

Think a sad thought – how do you feel?
Think a happy thought – how do you feel?

And the feeling is instant! Even our physiology changes in an instant. We can feel the instant reaction in our face, even in our chest and in our breath. That is the power of our thoughts. We can see and feel the results of our focus.

Want to feel happy more often? Focus on happy thoughts. Let’s look for the positive and the bright side in everything. The Law of Attraction will help us by responding to our focus and giving us even more things to be happy about.

This does not mean that we will not still have some sad moments or that life will always appear rosy (in fact it is the knowledge of those that makes us appreciate our happy thoughts and moments more) but when we are aware of what we are thinking and how it affects us – we have the perfect opportunity to choose our focus. It is always a question of which thoughts feel better.

Being happy or not is our choice. It is our decision and it’s all in the power of our thoughts.
I always find it’s easier to live my dreams from a feeling happy place. How about you?

With great love, Suzanne

Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach

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