Thursday, July 5, 2007

Bounce your dreams around

Someone told me that dreams are fragile. No they are not – unless we want them to be.

All we need to do is give our dreams some shape. The more we picture our dream and plan it with all of the glorious detail, the faster it will start to take form. My dreams are shaped like balls. Sometimes they start small, but as I add more thought and plans to them they get bigger and bigger and can become pretty tangible.

If we all made our dreams into balls and bounced them around among us, I bet we would be having a pretty good time! Nothing fragile there - not when we can take our dreams out and show them to people. Bounce..... Bounce ...... Bounce.

Yes, I know it is a pretty wild concept, but sometimes we need to step out of our box to live our dreams.

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Would you like help shaping your dreams? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

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