Wednesday, July 11, 2007

What is your bedtime thought?

The day is winding down and you are preparing for bed - what are you thinking about?

Chances are a lot of things happened in your day - the question is what will you choose to think about just before you go to bed? This is a very important time of day for us all and it is a good time to think about all the positive things that happened in our day. It is a great time to express gratitude, put out a positive expectation for tomorrow to be even better, and to set our intention for a restful sleep.

Start while you brush your teeth! Now you're living your dreams in your sleep too!? Wow! I'm impressed.

With great love, Suzanne

P.S. For more information see

Would you like help finding your happy thoughts? I am available for individual phone coaching sessions, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events.

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