Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Tired of self help info
Are you getting tired of trying to read everything that comes into your email box on how to improve your life? And so many of them say buy this book or listen to this call for ultimate happiness or wealth or something...
Gosh if we read, and listened to, and watched everything on the subject of living a good life; we wouldn’t have the time to go about actually living our life.
Of course in my effort to continually improve myself maybe I just subscribe to too many things. I think the challenge with all this info is that it can make us feel inadequate, like we somehow do not measure up. NOTHING could be further from the truth.
I for one am growing tired of trying to keep up with it all to perfect my life! Perhaps that is a big part of the reason I have not been writing many blogs lately. I am reminded that there are some people who end up spending all their time reading about and studying life to get it right ... and then there are others out there just living it and enjoying it moment by moment. They have no idea if they are doing it right or not but they are out living it and maybe that is really what it is all about. We will learn along the way.
It is important to live life. My belief is that we already know it all anyway, we just have to live what we know and trust what we know and we will experience truth and life all along the way.
So I may write less frequently but you can bet I am out there enjoying life and I hope to help you do the same by my example. Who needs to get it perfect as long as we enjoy ourselves?
All we need to remember is that if we don’t like something we can change our thoughts or perception of it, and if we do like something, we can just request more of the same please.
Life can be easy to live and enjoy and that is why none of us was born with a book on how to do it in our hands. Now let’s go live and just make our adjustments on the way.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Live and love out loud
Say what you want... talk about what you enjoy...
Wear what you want to...
Do what you are inspired to do...
Live how you are inspired to live…
Tell the people you love that you love them and why.
Does that sound bold?
Good. It is time to live life to the fullest.
It is time to live and love out loud.
What other opportunities do you have in this lifetime?
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Take care of you
Everyone around us suffers when we forget to take care of ourselves. We can become short tempered, lose patience, be less loving, and feel drained as well as put upon. Does that sound like a good space to be in? Not if we desire to have joyous lives full of love and kindness.
The rule: Take as much care of yourself as the people you love.
When we do this, everyone around us feels it.
Sharing the love starts with you and yourself.
Allow yourself to feel good. Then you can spread that around.
Go ahead you know how to do it.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Dream often ... Dream big
... Dreams get you into the future and add excitement to the present.
Robert Conklin said that, and he was right.
So dream away, and dream often, and dream big.
And never let anyone talk you out of your dreams.
What is your dream today? Is it vast enough, bold enough?
Thank you for the share Neale Donald Walsch.
May your dreams be big, vast and bold so you have lots to play with.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com.
Monday, July 5, 2010
What if everything is changing?
The way I see it is ... when everything is changing ... maybe we need to change the way we look at everything.
Do you have assumptions of what is correct in life? What is normal? What is truth?
Are you sure all these things are correct? What if everything changes?
What if the way things have always been done does not work anymore?
Maybe we will have to create some new beliefs ... some new truths.
What works for you now? It may really be time to think outside of the box.
It does not have to be scary, it can just be different.
Different can be fun. Different can make us feel fully alive.
Maybe where we live will become different... Maybe the way we live will become different... Maybe how we earn our money will become different... Maybe what is truly important in our lives will be seen differently. These can all be good things.
If many things have already changed, maybe now we just need to adjust our thoughts to find some really awesome things.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Who says?
Why? Who can say what is the correct way to ... look, act, feel or do?
What if you want to do something different?
What if you want to wear rubber boots in the sunshine?
What if you want to live in a different way?
Then make the choice to be different if it is what you really desire.
Choose it if it makes you happy.
No one should dictate what is acceptable for you. Only you can do that.
Wouldn’t life be boring if we were all the same?
Shake it up, spice it up ... live life on your terms!
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com.
Friday, June 25, 2010
We master life by living it
It would be a mistake to compare ourselves to anyone and feel that maybe they do know all the answers or have the perfect life and we don’t.
Everybody has those moments in their lives that they would prefer to do again.
Everyone has areas they think they could be better at.
We can only do the best we can every day and in every moment.
And that is really all that we need to do in life.
Oh yeah, we need to enjoy life too.
You are a master because you are living life.
It doesn’t have to be perfect ... just enjoyed.
Go enjoy some moments today.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Pump us up!
How can we pump ourselves up?
We can pump ourselves up with ... what we read, how we talk, what we talk about, who we talk with, what we watch, music, dance, movement ... we can choose to study ... we can choose to exercise our mind and/or our body ... we can change with whom and what we talk about ... and we can allow ourselves more free time to do just what we desire to do. I bet you did not know that relaxing can also pump you up did you? Yep! It can.
Pumped up we feel great ... we feel like we can do anything ... and it is important to feel that way because we can do anything! Now you just know it.
Will you choose to pump yourself up today? Do it and feel great.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Ten things I know about life
- A doughnut tastes better than a stick of celery.
- It feels good to hug a friend.
- It feels great to get a hug.
- We get back tenfold whatever we give ... love, kindness, appreciation....
- It feels good to hear the words ‘thank you’.
- Whatever we believe becomes true for us ... but it is not necessarily true for everybody else.
- We can always choose what we think or how we respond.
- Being right is not always important.
- A whole bunch of you will go back to count if I listed 10 things. Is it really important?
Now you can add yours and we will all be really smart sharing like this!
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I am cheering for you!
I am cheering for you and I know if your desire is strong enough, it is yours.
What do you desire?
Clarify it. Visualize it. Write about it. Talk about it. Plan for it. Expect it.
Allow it into your life. Welcome it.
Accept no worry about how, when, who or where.
Know it is yours simply because you asked and it will be.
I am cheering for you.
Can you feel it?
Rah, rah, rah!
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Do something different
It happens to us all at one time or another.
Sometimes it sneaks up on us...
We used to be content and then suddenly we are not.
Sometimes we let it sit with us for so long it saps our energy.
Perhaps not the best way to enjoy our life to the fullest...
When we feel bored or stuck it means it is time to play ... time to shake it up a little.
That sounds like fun doesn’t it?
What can you do differently? What new things can you try?
What little shifts can you make in your actions and in your thoughts?
How can you play with life?
Our ideas often want to take us a little out of our comfort zone...
But you know it feels great to stretch that old comfort zone.
Go ahead and give your ideas a try and suddenly life will feel good again.
I just started Zumba classes at a brand new gym where I did not know anybody.
Maybe not a big thing but ... I’m feeling pretty good ... pretty empowered ... pretty full of life...
Hmm, maybe my new excitement and joy is spilling over into other areas of my life?
My life does seem better...
Do something to shake up your world and let me know how it feels.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Can you enjoy your journey?
Would we do things differently?
Would we look at everything differently?
My friend, Maria Tripaldi recently posted the following thought in Facebook:
“The journey has always been about laughing together, loving each other, seeking adventure, believing in our dreams and making a difference...but sometimes we forget.”
I like Maria’s adventurous journey.
Maria, I will try to always remember.
Love you.
PS. The beauty of the journey is that we each get to explore life in our own way and in our own directions – and we can change it at any time. What and where do you choose to explore?
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Choose today
It is always our choice what we do with every day.
Will you go to work? Then do it in joy because you chose to.
Will you be taking care of your children?
Will you be working out?
Whatever you choose to do...
Do it with joy because you chose to do it.
What we do with today is always our choice...
Even if we pretend it is not.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
You are loved
You are.
You are loved unconditionally.
You are.
You are divinely loved.
You are.
By many, many, many.
You know it.
Instinctively you know it.
Are you feeling loved yet?
Envelop yourself in the feeling.
It is how you are supposed to feel.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com.
Monday, June 7, 2010
End in mind
Or we can choose to create what we desire to have happen in our life.
It’s not so complicated.
Visualize or write about what you desire for your life.
What is the end picture?
Get it to the point where you are excited.
Do you have it?
Now work/play your way back and purposefully choose the steps that will create it.
Choose to make order from what may seem like chaos.
Life won’t just happen to you anymore and on occasions where it feels like it does ...
You can make your own choices with your end in mind.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com.
Friday, June 4, 2010
More happiness is ...
Happiness is ... allowing myself quiet time to reflect.
Happiness is ... allowing myself to fully enjoy the beauty in each day.
Happiness is ... a swim in a cool pool on a hot day.
Happiness is ... a child’s arms around me.
Happiness is ... the hug of a good friend.
Now it is your turn.
Happiness is ...
Find the happiness’s in your life and celebrate them.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
The power of one
The power of one is the power of ourselves.
We tend to look outside for our answers and our truths.
We must look inside.
The solutions, the answers ... we have it all.
We simply have to sit quietly and allow it, and accept it and trust it and know it is right.
We cannot decide what may be right for the whole world ...
But we certainly can know and trust that we know what is right for us.
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Loving Life
There is always something to love about life.
In fact I bet you can find many, many things.
Sometimes I want to focus on the little dot I find that is not to love.
And frankly that is just plain silly because it will become bigger with my focus wont it?
The question is where do you choose to place your focus?
A focus on loving life gets you more to love ...
That is where we want to be!
In fact it’s possible nothing else but what we love really matters.
Focus on what you love in life and life will focus on you with love.
Life can often surprise us with its simplicity.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Share love and appreciation
Share love and appreciation
You never know when someone’s last moments of life in this world are going to be.
How many people can you think of that are important to you and when was the last time you told them so? I hope you have told them recently and I hope you tell them a lot because it is important to them and you.
Let’s never miss an excuse to brighten someone’s day with love and appreciation.
Love and appreciation are meant to be shared - so let’s share some today.
It feels like a great way to live don’t you think?
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Do you love you?
Do you love you?
Who is the most important person to love you?
You are the most important person.
So allow yourself to love yourself.
Go ahead and try it.
Forgive yourself for everything.
Come from your heart.
Enjoy yourself in the now.
Appreciate you.
Appreciate the good in your life.
Appreciate the fact that you deserve all that good stuff.
It is perfectly okay to feel love for yourself.
In fact it is very healthy.
What are you doing, thinking and saying these days?
Is it showing your love for yourself?
Go ahead and love yourself all day long.
It will make you feel very, very good...
And is there any better way to feel?
Keep on loving you.
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com.
Monday, May 17, 2010
We make our day great or not
What is your expectation of this day?
Our thoughts and expectations have the power to make exactly what we desire or exactly what we don’t desire happen in our day. So what can we do?
We can start the morning thinking of the best.
We can continue the day looking for the best.
We can end the day giving thanks for the best.
And you thought anything was out of our control?
We make our great day or not.
Expect a great one!
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com.
Friday, May 14, 2010
I took a break
I guess I needed a break.
My computer blew up and then I just didn’t feel like writing anything even though I could have found a way.
So as I always try to practice what I preach – I didn’t try to write anything.
Because what do I always say? Go with the flow.
Don’t try to push yourself in a direction you don’t want to go.
Life feels much better that way.
Now I’m back and I just might have something more to share with you tomorrow.
Until then don’t forget to enjoy life and take your breaks when you need to.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
Friday, April 2, 2010
It costs nothing but means so much.
No matter where we are in our lives at any given moment …
Gratitude makes it better.
What are you grateful for right now, right this second?
It feels good to think about doesn’t it?
Our best lives flow from gratitude.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Higher self-esteem
It is our belief in our self.
When we are confident in our abilities people say that we have high self esteem.
We feel better about ourselves.
How can we empower ourselves in more areas?
First we must realize that our self esteem is within our control not someone else’s.
We can’t blame someone else for any low self esteem that we feel.
Yes, they may have played a role but it is in our power now.
We are in charge of pumping ourselves up and building our self esteem.
The biggest way I can suggest for pumping ourselves up is to list all the things we do really well and we love about ourselves. Think of everything and anything – big and small. Pick your favorites and zero in on those. Tell yourself how good you are at them … but don’t share all this with others. You see self esteem is an inside job. You don’t have to say it to people. They will begin to notice your new confidence at about the same time as you do. Enjoy the feeling – because it has everything to do with you.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Is your glass half full?
How do you look at life?
Is your glass half full or half empty?
My glass is always full.
It is constantly refilling itself.
How does it refill?
My glass constantly refills because of my thoughts and expectation of abundance in my life.
I also allow others to refill it for me – and I am happy to refill their glass.
I never worry about a loss in my glass because I know it is constantly being refilled.
Yes it is a way to look at life.
Decide for yourself what you desire … a glass half empty, half full or constantly refilling and flowing over with joys.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
We never stand alone
We always have help and support ready to be by our side.
Sometimes we feel alone but that is our ego thinking.
Our ego likes to pretend it is alone. You know - us against the world.
Truth is … we have tons of support on our side.
Our support is both seen and unseen.
We would only feel alone if we chose to.
We never stand alone.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Get unstuck
The reasons we feel stuck can be as varied as the solutions.
But the reality is who wants to be in a yucky stucky place? Not I!
So what can we do when we feel stuck in our lives?
How do we get ourselves unstuck?
We need to change something … scenery, activity, our thoughts.
Actually, the more quickly we can do this the better.
We can look at things from a different angle….
Read something different, talk to different people…
Put our head between our legs and look at the world upside down.
Get down on the floor and look at our surroundings like a little puppy would…
We can use music – dance - physical activity of any sort...
We always have options in our lives – there are always solutions …
Are we willing to look at things differently to find them?
Want to know a secret?
Sometimes I just pretend I am stuck because it gives me a chance to do odd things.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Open heart
Open and loving hearts can feel – they intuitively understand…
And they enjoy life to the fullest.
Hearts can’t be broken. Our feeling can be hurt and our egos can be devastated but our open and loving heart always beats with knowing and more love.
Love is all we really have to give. We give it from our heart.
We can do well to live from our heart.
It creates the lives dreams are made of.
Let’s not let our egos close our hearts – let’s open them to love.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Be happy
We serve no one in misery or feelings of obligation.
If the things we do are done without happiness or joy – no one wins.
Being happy leads to … all the good things in life.
Happiness is ….
Well happiness is all the things that make you happy.
Do some today.
Experience your happiness today and every day.
Every day fill in the blank … Happiness is …
Then live it and watch your life become one you thought you could only dream of.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
To wait is divine
Have you ever felt impatient for something to arrive?
Impatience does not really serve us well because it makes us not feel good.
So let’s look at the benefits of wait time so we can feel good about it…
It gives us time to be sure of what we want…
It gives us time to savor how it is going to feel to have it…
(Sometimes the thought of having it is almost as much fun as having it)
It gives us time to plan the party for its arrival…
And it creates an opportunity for us to really appreciate it when it arrives…
To wait could be divine fun for us if we allow it to be.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Big may not be better
Let’s not live worrying about the future – worry gets big there.
Let’s concentrate on ‘now’ things because they are much smaller and more manageable in the now.
Let’s not take little challenges with people or organizations or businesses and build them into big things. We have better things to do.
Let’s keep the things that are meant to be little – little.
That allows our happiness in life to get bigger and that serves us much more.
You could say big is also better with hot fudge sundaes.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
We are free to choose everything in our lives.
Everything may have consequences to our choices but we are free to choose.
Sometimes we do not feel like we have very many freedoms but we do.
We are always free to choose … and re-choose … and choose again.
Now that is freedom.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
What's the rush?
Have you ever thought that when going somewhere? I have.
Sometimes I just feel like travel time is wasted time.
But what if it is not wasted time?
What if it is a gift of time?
Maybe we should just be in less of a rush.
You know … enjoy life more.
Then we can notice more things.
We can notice the people.
We can notice the beauty of the day and simply enjoy life.
Breathe and relax maybe that is the way to enjoy travel time.
After all life is not made up of futures…
It is made up of precious now moments that will never come by again.
How we fill those precious moments is up to us.
I think I must look at my travel time differently.
I’ll be enjoying the moment in portions of a kilometer or a mile at a time.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Fun is the purpose of life
That’s how I look at life.
So I make sure I have lots of fun in my life.
When we play with life we have less stress and we feel happier.
We may not be able to play all the time but we can try to make everything we do as fun as possible. How can you make things more fun in your life? How do you want to play?
Decide how and then choose to play every day.
Why? Simply because it feels very, very good.
Now who has a hula hoop?
Well admittedly, everybody’s idea of fun may be different.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Expectation is everything
What do you think life holds for you?
What do you expect to find in your life every day?
Look around you.
Your life is mirroring your expectations of it.
Do you like your expectations?
Could you choose to look for the best in everything?
We create and live the very lives we expect we will.
So what will you choose to expect from life now?
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Live in light
The light is … sunshine … good thoughts … caring behavior … finding fun … laughter … hugs … friends … positivity … It is all the things that you enjoy and appreciate in life.
We need the light. We crave the light. It lifts our spirits. It makes life enjoyable.
The light always feels good … unless we desire to sleep … but who wants to sleep through life?
What is your light? What do you crave?
What makes you feel good?
Live in the light. Find your joy.
Oh you are so bright!
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Describe your dream
Can you describe it to me?
Give it some thought …
Because it is all the juicy details that will make your dream come true.
What do you see happening in your life? How do you feel? What are you saying?
Give it lots of thought …
Because it is all the juicy details that will make your dream come true.
Can you start living and feeling that you have even a part of your dream in your life now?
Spend a lot of time thinking about the juicy details and then begin to live some of them …
Soon you will be living your whole, beautiful, juicy dream.
It all starts with the thought and the picture.
Don’t you love it?
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
A lunch box for life
This is a special lunch box. It is one that will replenish our spirit.
What will you pack in your special lunch box?
Patience … joy … hope … positivity … sandwiched by love…
A book … some music … the phone number of your best friend …
Take you lunch box with you every day.
You can snack from it and replenish your spirit throughout the day.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Life's presents
Are you looking for them?
They are found in laughs … smiles … kind words … hugs … beautiful flowers … the singing bird … the rain drops … friends …
When we give appreciation and thanks we will find we receive or notice even more.
Life can feel like every day is our birthday if we watch for the presents.
Accept with joy the many presents life gives you because you deserve them all.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Who takes the credit?
Who takes the blame?
When something good happens,
We’d all like to take the credit.
Few of us are thrilled about taking the blame.
Does blame or credit really matter?
What if we say everything that happens in our lives is simply an experience?
We can say ooh I really liked that or I did not care much for that at all.
We can have the experience and then try again for something different or do it again.
Celebrate what you choose and allow the rest to be an experience you learn from.
PS. Everything that happens in our lives is actually caused by us anyway.
Life is our experience.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Fear of power
Here is an example …
“You mean to say if something doesn’t turn out right it was our fault?”
We are always choosing. Even not choosing is a choice.
If we don’t choose where to go next someone else will choose for us.
Don’t you think it is best we choose for ourselves?
I mean who knows what we desire better than us?
Choose what you listen to … what you watch … your friends … what you read … where you go … what you do … what you say … how you feel … what job you want … how you do your job … That’s power.
The bonus is … if something doesn’t turn out the way we thought it would – we can choose again.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Choose to be yourself
We choose what is important to us.
We choose how we respond to every situation.
We choose what we share.
We choose what we stand for.
For our happiness, peace and joy we must be true to ourselves.
When we honor ourselves, we honor our world.
Choose how you desire to show yourself as to the world.
Choose and you will succeed.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Choose on ...
Free to choose our thoughts, our actions, our words and even the type of experiences we have.
When we feel we do not have the power to choose for ourselves – we feel powerless.
However, perhaps that too is a choice. Could we be choosing to feel powerless?
Choose what you want to experience in your life and place all your focus on that. Let nothing distract you from what you have chosen. That can be your choice.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Life or more ...
This is a guest blog post written by my visiting sister-in-law, Cynthia.
This is definitely a great concept to live by ….
What does it take to create enjoyment in life? I think that is different for every person.
I also think it's important that we use that word "create" to do exactly that –
Create the enjoyment in our lives - don't wait for it to come to us – we can create it ourselves!
It doesn't necessarily require material things. It can be whatever "floats your boat" as I am frequently saying. It doesn't need to be an expense dinner out, a trip somewhere or the buying of a new outfit. It can be something as simple as starting your morning listening to a song you love that warms your heart, as my sister-in-law Suzanne loves to do or it can be a quiet morning, just yourself and a cup of coffee with the sound of birds in the air and sunshine on your face which is my favorite way to start each day.
Whatever it is I would suggest that you ponder what gives you enjoyment in your life, and then find a way to create it, and enjoy it, each and every day.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Trust you
Trust your instincts.
Trust your heart.
Trust your gut.
Whenever you are just not sure … Trust yourself.
When we trust our inner knowing, our world becomes easier to navigate…
Our choices become easier and our dreams and the way to live them become clearer.
Don’t look out for the answers – look within.
Nobody knows it better.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
We all know it
We all know it all.
You can feel it can’t you?
Sometimes we ignore it.
Our society has often taught us we should look to others for answers.
Sometimes we forget we know it.
This place, this time makes it easy to forget.
That is why we are here – to rediscover beautiful truths all over again.
I share insights.
They are often the same as yours.
If they resonate as true to you, they are.
Life can be simple and joyous if we follow our knowing.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Monday, February 15, 2010
We think it so
Have you ever not wanted something to happen and it did?
What we think about, we bring about.
Think about your dreams, think about them a lot.
Make them happen with your thoughts.
Napoleon Hill said,
“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve.”
So let’s think it so. Let’s think our dreams into our life.
Our head is always filled with thoughts.
We might as well concentrate on the thoughts that will help us attain our dream.
It all has to start somewhere.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Making a Difference
The lives of our family – of our friends –
And of the people we come in contact with on any given day …
It is in all the little things that we think, do, and say.
We make a difference simply by being there.
Now what kind of difference we make is up to us.
What kind of difference do you choose to make?
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
What is life about?
It’s about how much we enjoy it.
It’s not about comparing, competing, labeling and judging…
It’s about sharing, caring, allowing and loving.
It’s not about living like we might die…
It’s about living like we choose to live.
How would you like to live today?
Every day it is our choice how we live.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Dream it so
Can you make it real in your daydreams?
Can you give it life and emotion and really feel its pulse?
The more we can imagine our dream goal in our daydreams,
the closer we are to experiencing it in our real life.
Doesn’t sound hard does it?
It’s not – first we dream it, then we live it.
Happy dreaming leads to happy living!
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Your Happy List
List 10 things that make your spirit soar.
I’ll give you my happy list ….
Being with my husband and kids, entertaining, dancing, world travel, cooking and baking, walking on the beach, having great discussions on a variety of topics, floating in water, finding new ideas, cuddling, giving and receiving love, spending time with friends, teaching concepts, writing …. Oops that is more than 10!
Now write yours. Write the list of things that really make you happy.
When you feel happy just thinking of doing these things, you know you have it.
So what do you think we should do with this list?
We can use it as our guide to filling our lives with happiness.
Be aware of the things on your list and try to fill your day with as many of these things as possible. Sounds like the makings of a dream life to me.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Friday, February 5, 2010
A creative do nothing day
Why do we constantly worry that we must be doing something?
And that it must be something we or society deem important as well.
What is wrong with doing nothing?
Yesterday I gave up on doing anything that seemed constructive to me because I just was not able to focus on any of the things I figured I needed to do. I gave up and decided I would have a creative do nothing day!
What happened? Well I really enjoyed it! I allowed myself to enjoy purposely doing nothing.
Wow what a feeling! When I looked back at my day, it turned out I ended up doing some really cool things and some were even on my list to do. I only did what I felt inspired to do and now I am back and feeling so refreshed.
So now my question is … do I schedule my creative do nothing days or do I allow them to happen when they happen?
I hope you give yourself the gift of a creative do nothing day soon because it really is a gift.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Claim it and own it!
Claim it!
We can use the words - I am or I have.
Let me give you some ideas …..
I am financially free … I am sexy … I am successful...
I have the ability to acquire whatever I desire …
Now act like it – that’s the owning it part.
Act like you are already are it or already have it.
Act it to the best of your ability and means.
Place all your focus on feeling like you have it.
When we start claiming it we will start to find proof …
That we do indeed have it!
It may be a small amount but it’s growing daily.
Claim it and own it and you will be living it.
The choice is always ours as to what we claim.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Monday, February 1, 2010
What footprints will you leave?

Will you show it through your actions, your words or both?
You are in the process now of leaving your footprints.
Are they the ones you want to leave?
Choose the ones you want to leave.
The world needs you to leave your footprints.
Now you only need to choose how they will look.
Will living your dream help you leave your choice footprints?
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Shake it up!
Let’s shake it up.
After all – life is for living.
We might as well make it fun.
What would shake your life up a little in a fun way?
What is something you really, really want to do?
Do it now or at least make the plans to do it soon.
Life may never be boring again.
Shake, shake, shake - shake your bootie….
Shake, shake, shake - shake your bootie….
You want to look to me for ideas?
Staying up until 10:30 is living on the wild side to me!
Yep! I‘m the ultimate party girl!
Maybe tonight I’ll shake it up until 11:00.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Assume the feeling
Dr. Wayne Dyer said that.
Here is how it goes …. If you can feel like what you desire is already in your life then you start to already live like it’s in your life and that makes it part of your life.
How can we feel like what we desire is already in our life?
We pretend! Remember our childhood games of pretend?
We were very smart kids.
When we played princess or knight we felt like a princess or a knight remember?
We gave orders and acted just like one.
What is your wish? So now how will you dress? How will you act? What will you say?
How will you feel?
Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled and it will become a part of your life.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Content is a beautiful place to be
Contentment means that we are satisfied.
Can we find things in our lives that we are very content with now?
Our contentment allows our life to flow so that we can feel even more contentment in it.
Contentment is a good thing.
It is okay to allow ourselves to feel content.
Yes, yes, we will always desire more for our lives because that is what makes life interesting to us, but we can also find our contentment with our life now and thus find our way more easily to living all of our dreams.
Content is a beautiful place to be.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Fun is it!
Why would we have to be told that?
Why would we think life shouldn’t be fun?
In my opinion, life should be a fun and wild ride.
What do you believe in your heart?
Beliefs are interesting aren’t they?
Where do they really come from?
So if you decide fun is it … that fun is important to you …
What would make life fun for you?
Spend your life enjoying and amusing yourself, and you may just ….
End up amazing yourself and living the life of your dreams!
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Monday, January 25, 2010
What if life is but a dream?
Is it real because we think it is real?
Does it seem real to us when we are dreaming?
It seems very real in a dream doesn’t it?
Do you sometimes play with aspects in your dreams?
You know when you kind of realize that you are dreaming and you decide to (for instance) change where you are going or what is happening.
We can do that in what we consider our ‘real life’ too.
When we change the thought, we can change our direction and our outcome.
We can become aware that we always have choices.
We don’t call it a dream life for no reason.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Let's make up beliefs
They form our expectations.
You could say they create our realities.
Do all our beliefs empower us?
Not all of mine do. So what do we do now?
We make up some beliefs!
We make up ones that serve us – ones that we like.
Simple ones … easy ones … wild ones …
If we can’t believe them though, they won’t work but if we can believe they are even
a little bit possible … Well then we are all set.
Our job is only to make up the belief.
Our mind will go about finding the proof that we are right.
Here are some fun ones to start with …
Life is easy – life is fun – good stuff always happens to me …
What is my new belief? Ice cream makes me skinny.
Just look at those skinny women eating ice cream – it must be true.
We can start small and build from there.
What belief will you make up to enhance your life?
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
What is your happiness?
What if we did these things as often as possible?
We would all be very happy.
It’s a simple statement.
It’s a simple thought.
Who said that life had to be complicated?
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Dream it - Live it
How do we attain our dreams?
Oh there are a few ways …
By acknowledging them … by focusing on them … by visualizing them … by writing about them … by talking about them … by being clear about them … by believing they are possible … by believing that we deserve them … by believing and acting like they are already ours …
What other ways occur to you?
How many ways will you use to attain your dreams this year?
The more ways you use the better.
May you enjoy living every single one of your dreams.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Focus on what?
We should focus on that.
What is the use of focusing on anything else when we know we will simply get more of whatever we focus on?
Maybe there are things in the world in general we are not happy with.
How will we best help? If we focus on the problem or if we focus on what we can do?
What if the best we can think of to do is hold positive or good thoughts? Hold them.
Sometimes that may be all that is needed.
Whatever we do – we must keep the focus on what we desire.
Maybe there are things in our own personal life that we are not happy with.
How can we best change what we are not happy with in our life?
By our focus on how not good it is or by focusing on what we do desire for our lives?
Our best option is to focus on what we desire.
Choosing and maintaining our focus ultimately leads to living our dreams.
Doesn’t the world and our life feel like it is getting rosier already?
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Friday, January 15, 2010
How do we get our dreams?
Sometimes just a little thought and sometimes a big grand thought.
It’s our thought and we like the thought.
It sounds very good to us.
It sounds very, very good to us.
So we start to think about it more and more.
A dream is born. Our dream is born.
So if we find ourselves thinking negative and unappealing thoughts and we
keep thinking them – do we create nightmares? Now that is food for thought.
Maybe it’s best to enjoy and focus on only our beautiful dream like thoughts just in case.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear this in my own voice go here.
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Last Holiday
What would you do?
You see she has always kept what she refers to as a - Possibilities Book – but she was never allowing her possibilities to become - Realities. When she finds out she only has three weeks to live, she decides the time to live full out and explore many of these possibilities must be now.
What would you do?
When would you like to start living your possibilities? Do you really want to wait any longer?
What does she discover is important to her if she had more life to live? She would laugh more … love more … and not be so afraid.
What is important in life to you?
Could we be enjoying life to the fullest now? Could we start living our possibilities now?
Let’s make sure we have our own possibilities books and then let’s go one step further and start allowing them to become realities now. It sounds like a great way to live doesn’t it?
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear this in my own voice go here.
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Photos Make It!
Start this year by looking at your old photo albums or the photos you have collected on your computer and think about how beautiful your life really is.
Maybe you have thoughts that last year was not so great in many areas but I bet when you look at your pictures you will realize just how many special moments you really had. Amazingly sometimes we don’t even appreciate them so much when they are happening… but later we do.
Look at your pictures with an eye to how much you have enjoyed and how rich your life is.
Let those feelings springboard you into the joys that this year will hold.
Make it a goal to take lots of photos this year. They are a gift to us in our life.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear this in my own voice go here.
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
Friday, January 8, 2010
Infinite Possibilities
I make no money recommending this book but I do further my goal of helping to empower you.
It is a book that I gave as a Christmas present to myself.
It’s a book by Mike Dooley and it’s called - Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams.
Do you want to know the reason for life, the meaning of life, and how to have successes and enjoy life? I read this book and I find myself with more understanding of it all. I am nodding and affirming yes, yes, yes. It makes perfect sense to me.
With Mike Dooley’s insight we will find it a lot easier to understand life and live all of our dreams. In fact, on my next coaching club call we will be covering highlights and insights from it.
Give your life and your dreams a boost and get it now. Thank you Mike Dooley!
Everything can be so simple really. Start with this book.
PS. Let me know how you like it.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Enjoy Nature
There is nothing like nature to bring our appreciation back to the wonder of life.
Go for a walk.
Enjoy how good your body feels when it moves. Walk fast, walk slow, walk backwards.
Notice the different shades of colors and the different textures of plants.
Enjoy the fresh air.
Let it revive your spirit / let it bring you fresh ideas.
Enjoy the miracle of the weather and how it can change.
Enjoy how it feels on your skin.
Feeling good? I thought so.
With great love, Suzanne
Suzanne Marie Bandick
Live Your Dreams Life Coach
To hear these blogs recorded in my own voice go here.
Join the The Live Your Dreams Coaching Club! We all have a dream and it may be easier to achieve if we don't feel like we are all alone in our quest. You could become a part of something that can empower you daily.
One of the best ways to be living our dream life is to enjoy what we are doing and be able to control our financial destiny. Maybe one of these ideas can help. Click here for ideas.
I am also available for individual phone coaching sessions, email coaching, group teleclasses, speaking engagements and other fun and empowering events. http://www.liveyourdreamscoaching.com/